
Lectures are listed on this page. Click on the lecture heading or the "Continue ..." link to get the full content for the lecture.

Compact List of lectures

  1. Three Main Ideas in ME 350
  2. Week 1 - Introduction
  3. Week 2 - MATLAB Functions and Applications in Data Analysis
  4. Week 3 - `fprintf`, `for` loops and `if` constructs
  5. Week 4 - `if` constructs and `while` loops
  6. Week 5 - Review user-defined functions; and introduction to root-finding
  7. Week 6 - Multiple roots and using `fzero`
  8. Week 7 - Linear Algebra Operations in MATLAB
  9. Week 8 - Solving Linear Systems in MATLAB
  10. Week 9 - Solving First Order ODEs in MATLAB

Excerpts of lectures, most recent first

Week 9 - Solving First Order ODEs in MATLAB

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class you should be able to

Lecture Videos on YouTube

These videos cover the material that I present in class.

The screencasts were recorded last fall. The sound level during recording was too low, and I haven't been able to figure out how to fix that without re-recording the screencasts.


Here are the slides for the first two videos

Week 8 - Solving Linear Systems in MATLAB

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class you should be able to

By "manually" I mean using only a pencil and paper, no MATLAB, no Internet access, no textbook


Same as Lecture 7: Read Sections 6.1 - 6.3 (pp. 129-145) and section 6.6 - 6.6.2, (pp 152 - 153)

Look at the web pages in the Reference section of the class web site.

In MATLAB, type "help slash" or "doc slash" for additional information about the solution of linear equations.


Download the lecture notes on solving linear systems

Download the lecture slides on solving linear systems and focus on these parts:

You may want to review the slides on Gaussian Elimination (slides 22-56) We will let MATLAB solve the system and instead focus on (1) setting up the system correctly and (2) interpreting the results.

Week 7 - Linear Algebra Operations in MATLAB

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class you should be able to

By "manually" I mean using only a pencil and paper, no MATLAB, no Internet access, no textbook


Read Sections 6.1 - 6.3 (pp. 129-145) and section 6.6 - 6.6.2, (pp 152 - 153)

Look at the web pages in the Reference section of the class web site.



From the linear algebra review slides (second item, above) focus on these parts:

Week 6 - Multiple roots and using `fzero`

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class you should be able to


The textbook discusses root-finding in two separate contexts. Newton's method is used as an example of a computational algorithm Chapter 2, section 2.7.1 and then again in Chapter 7, section 7.1 through 7.3 as a practical means of discussing function m-files. Please review those sections.

Root-finding as a generic numerical method is discussed Chapter 14, section 14.1.


Week 5 - Review user-defined functions; and introduction to root-finding

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class you should be able to


The textbook discusses root-finding in two separate contexts. Newton's method is used as an example of a computational algorithm Chapter 2, section 2.7.1 and then again in Chapter 7, section 7.1 through 7.3 as a practical means of discussing function m-files. Please review those sections.

Root-finding as a generic numerical method is discussed Chapter 14, section 14.1.


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Week 4 - `if` constructs and `while` loops

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class you should be able to

Reading in 5th edition of textbook

Reading in 6th edition of textbook


Week 3 - `fprintf`, `for` loops and `if` constructs

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class you should be able to


For a gentle introduction to fprintf, try this screencast by Robert Talbert.

Lecture Slides


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Week 2 - MATLAB Functions and Applications in Data Analysis

MATLAB functions allow creation of reusable code that can be assembled into larger and more complex analysis. Even if you are using relatively simple analysis, your code will be easier to write and maintain if you use functions.

In this class meeting we will build skills with creating and using functions. Before getting into functions in detail, we will first review the basic numeric data types used in MATLAB: scalars, vectors and matrices. It's important to understand data types because functions are usually designed to accept specific types of variables as inputs and return specific types of variables as outputs.


The chapter sections are the same for the 5th and 6th edition of the textbook. There is a slight difference in page numbers in the reading from Chapter 7

The material from Chapter 7 focuses on the technical requirements of function input and output parameters. The material from Chapter 9 focuses on plotting.

Lecture Notes and Slides

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Week 1 - Introduction


Before class read the following sections of the textbook.

Sixth Edition:

Fifth Edition:

The class meets in the computer lab, EB 325. Refer to the lab exercise for downloads and information related to our in-class activity for today.

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Three Main Ideas in ME 350

ME 350 deals with three main ideas.

  1. MATLAB software
  2. Numerical methods
  3. Computational thinking

These ideas overlap and interact. As we study different problems during the term, the emphasis or perspective on the problem will shift between these three ideas.

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