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Temperature sensor on the CPX

Table of contents

  1. Temperature Sensor
  2. Reading the Temperature Sensor with Hello_Temperature
  3. Temperature Readings

Temperature Sensor

The Circuit Playground Express has a temperature sensor mounted permanently to the circuit board as shown in the following image.

Select the CPX board

Reading the Temperature Sensor with Hello_Temperature

The Hello_Temperature sketch is part of the Adafruit Circuit Playground library. You can open the sketch by selecting File –> Examples –> Adafruit Circuit Playground –> Hello_CircuitPlayground –>Hello_Temperature. Running the sketch produces temperature readings in the Serial Monitor.

Temperature Readings

Consult the source code in Hello_Temperature to see how temperature readings are made.

There is only one temperature sensor, but the reading can be returned in either Celsius or Fahrenheit with two functions.

  float TC, TF;

  TC = CircuitPlayground.temperature();
  TF = CircuitPlayground.temperatureF();