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Images for Design Processes

The processes used in design vary with the goals and stages of the design process. For example, the work of designing the gears in the transmission of a car is very different that the work of designing the factory that assembles the gears into the transmission.

Despite the wide range of tools and practices used in design, there are some common ideas that are applicable in many aspects of design. On this page we present some graphical images used to convey the design process.

The images on this page express high-level ideas related to stages or steps as a design evolves from a vague concept to a concrete artifact.

Visual Images of the design process

Design thinking has a standard visual representation

Hexagon representation of the design process

The Oregon MESA invention process uses I-N-V-E-N-T as a mnemonic

OR MESA INVENT image of design process

Credit Oregon MESA

Iteration within the process means that design is not a linear sequence

design stages with iteration

Credit Interaction Design Foundation

Design is a messy process

squiggly line representing messy design process

Design is also represented by the interplay of divergent and convergent thinking

Convergent and divergent double diamond

Credit Wikipedia

The convergent thinking process results in an intentional reduction of options

Concept funnel in a convergent phase of the design process

In the Invention Bootcamp, many shared ideas are clumped and then pursued by groups

Shared bootcamp ideas become group ideas