General Questions Back to Main FAQ
1. Where can I get documentation?
2. What if I want to suggest a new feature?
3. What if I have a bug to report?
4. If I am in the CHP Talk list, how do I ...?
6. What keyboard shortcuts can I use?
7. How do I change the length of a horizontal line?
8. What is the "Startup Items" folder?
9. Can I use a scripting system like AppleScript of Virtual Basic to control CHP?
10 What about CHP's problems with foreign characters?
11 I bought CHP but I think I am missing some part of the package. What should I have?
12. Is there a list of sites made with CHP so that I can see examples of CHP pages?
13. How do I work with QuickTime movies and other Plug-in files?
14. How do I set the "action" of a form on a page?
15. What are libraries and how do I use them?
1. Question: Where can I get documentation?
the Claris Home Page 1 beta, there is no documentation or support.
When you install Home Page 1.0b1 you will find a folder named "Sample
Files"(on Mac; Win?) in the CHP (Claris Home Page) folder. In this
folder is a html file called "chp.htm". This file outlines some of
the features and the interface of CHP.
the Claris Home Page 1.0 package, there is a printed manual, however,
more extensive documentation is provided in electronic form with the
installation. This includes a shortcuts document in html form.
CHP 2.0b1 - For the Claris Home Page 2 beta, there is no documentation or support. When you install Home Page 2.0b1 you will find simply a Read Me file, and a package of clip-art.
Also check Claris' Home Page support page at (though currently the information is minimal) and Claris' Web site ( and the "Claris Enquirer" link located there. The CHP Talk list ( also provides a type of "documentation and support", albeit from users, not makers. It is probably best to post your questions there.
"Third party" CHP sites created by CHP enthusiasts are also on-line: This CHP FAQ, HTML and CHP resources at Ken Tidwell's site, and at Dan Shafer's site . TOP
2. Question: What if I want to suggest a new feature?
Answer: If you want to put it up to discussion, send it to the list.
In the past there was a "CHP ListServ Wishlist" set up by Ben Finklea ( You can look at the last version of this list with the "CHP ListServ Wishlist" link. I will try to slowly migrate the still unfulfilled wishes to the new list, but if you have the time, you can do it for me. Or if you really want to you can send it to Claris direct at their CHP feedback page on their Web site ( TOP
3. Question: What if I have a bug to report?
Answer: Check on the list and in the archive if others have had similar problems. Send mail detailing the problem to the list. If it is a real bug, send info on it to Claris direct at their CHP feedback page on their Web site ( TOP
4. Question: If I am in the CHP Talk list, how do I ...?
Answer: Information about the CHP Talk list, including the CHP Talk listserv archive , is at Blueworld's web site.
Interesting fact: The CHP Talk List Serve has been filling up people's mailboxes since about 7/15/96. TOP
5. Question: How do I align text and graphics and what are the differences between the <center>, <p align=center>, and <div align=center> methods?
Answer: Practically all browsers default to aligning page elements to the left. However, if you want to align text and graphics to the right, or center them in the window, you have to make some choices. There are three common methods:
<center> text and graphics </center> - a Netscapism, but the first available method; some browsers, esp. early Netscapes, only understand this one.the align parameter: i.e. <p align=center></p> - proper HTML, allows also right align and justification, is now accepted by most browsers, but only works on entire paragraphs.
To change the method CHP uses:
(From: Lee Gintert <>)
Go to the Preferences Menu. In the Html Output area change the selection in Paragraph Alignment Uses: to <CENTER> tag.
Lee Gintert TOP
6. Question: What keyboard shortcuts can I use?
Answer: Some keyboard shortcuts are noted in CHP's menus. There is apparently also a shortcuts window in the final version of CHP (in the ?/help menu). This is a table of known keyboard shortcuts (not indicated in the menus):
HTML equiv. |
(Mac) |
(Win) |
Remote Operations |
None |
Option and Choose "Remote" Submenu from "File" menu |
This feature is not available because of problems with the Win TCP/IP stack |
Line Break |
<BR> |
Option-Return or Shift-Return |
Control-Return or ?Shift-Return? |
Bulleted List Line |
<UL><LI> or <LI> |
Command-Return |
? |
Link Editor |
None |
Enter or Command-L |
?Enter ? |
Non-breaking Space |
Option-Space |
?Control-Return ? |
Navigation Commands |
These commands have no HTML equivalents. These are Mac commands; I do not know the PC versions. Option-Left and Right Arrows Move left and right by words Option-Up and Down Move to top and bottom of window Command-Left and Right Move to start and end of line Command-Up and Down Move to top and bottom of document |
Delete by Word |
None |
Option-Delete |
?Control-Delete ? |
Paragraph Alignment |
<P ALIGN=left|center|right></P> |
Cmd-Shift-L - left Cmd-shift-R - right Cmd-shift-C - center |
7. Question: How do I change the length of a horizontal line?
Answer: (From: Dan Shafer <>)
You can select it, double-click on it, and then in its Object Editor you can change its width either in absolute pixels or as a percentage of the browser window's width.
8. Question: What is the "Startup Items" folder?
Answer: CHP will attempt to open all items in the "Startup Items" folder when it is launched. These items can be your favorite library or your current project. Macintosh users can also place aliases of files in the Startup Items folder. TOP
9. Question: Can I use a scripting system like AppleScript or Virtual Basic to control CHP?
Answer: CHP 1.x through CHP 2.0b1 do not support AppleScript (no AS dictionary), and they most likely do not support VB. But Positronic Cat + DataHawk <> have been successful using Frontier, a Macintosh scripting language ( Also, if you trust that Claris will add AppleScript support in a future version, and wish to start scripting now, you can look at AppleScript docs for other Claris apps, such as FileMaker Pro's at TOP
10. Question: What about CHP's problems with foreign characters?
Although CHP does stick all the foreign characters in, there are
several inconsistencies and problems. First, the most problematic, is
the switched characters problem. It occurs with the following
E acute (this should be a capitol E with a line slanted upward above it)
E grave (this should be a capitol E with a line slanted downward above it)
O acute (this should be a capitol O with a line slanted upward above it)
O grave (this should be a capitol O with a line slanted downward above it)
Other characters, including the ¨¨, the , and å are mixed as well.
Basically, the characters are displayed properly, but CHP miscodes the HTML for them, switching the acute and the grave. So instead of coding E acute with É CHP uses È and so on for all the above characters. This is not a problem for lowercase foreign characters.
The second problem is the missing-space-after-foreign-character problem. When a foreign character is followed by a normal space, and the file is saved and then opened again, the preview and edit modes do not show a space. As far as I can tell, this error is purely cosmetic, as the space remains in the HTML code. However, if it does bother you, as it definitely does me, one way to avoid this problem is to use a non-breaking space after foreign characters. Apparently this problem has not been fixed in CHP 1.0, but hopefully Claris will realize that it is a nuisance. These problems appear to be solved in CHP 2.0 . TOP
11. Question: I bought CHP but I think I am missing some part of the package. What should I have?
Answer: There are several issues involved. See below.
bought CHP 1.0 and the manual mentions three disks. How many disks
should I have?
Ok, I got this wrong the first time, so this time I made sure it was the right answer before I opened my mailbox.The normal CHP 1.0 package includes only two disks. When the manual was printed, Claris thought it would take three disks, so that number was referenced in the manual. However, in the end, those witty programmers got it onto two disks. Really no point in reprinting the manual.
Of course, there are always exceptions. Certain people who ordered CHP via a direct mail offer did receive a disk of "Premium Web Art", which is not at all mentioned in the manual. Also, though this may be hearsay, some people who bought CHP at MacWorld EXPO in Boston reported receiving an extra disk of clip art also. But basically, if you have only two disks, you are in the majority, so don't worry. Now, if you got multiple copies of CHP in your package, then well, my address is 570 N...
bought CHP 1.0, then downloaded the CHP 2.0 updater from Claris' web
site. How can I get a printed manual and the CD-ROM with all the
extra programs bundled with Claris Home Page?
As far as I know, there is no way for you to get a hold of the printed manual without paying for CHP 2.0. The extra programs that come with CHP 2.0 on the CD are obtainable on the Internet.
12. Question: Is there a list of sites made with CHP so that I can see examples of CHP pages?
Answer: Yes. Ken Tidwell maintains a "CHP Spotlights Site" at his "CHP Resource Page". The address is, then click on the Spotlight Link. TOP
13. Question: How do I work with QuickTime movies and other Plug-in files?
Answer: QuickTIme movies can be inserted into a page using the Insert:QuickTime Movie menu item. In the file dialog box select the movie. Make sure you have flattened and processed the movie appropriately.
To insert other Plug-in files, use the Insert:Plugin menu item.
14. Question: How do I set the "action" of a form on a page?
Answer: This setting is located in the Document Options dialog (in the Edit menu). Select General from the pop-up menu. (if General is not already selected) Type in the "action", and set whether it is a POST or GET. TOP
15. Question: What are libraries and how do I use them?
Answer: Libraries are collections of HTML objects. For those familiar with the Macintosh Scrapbook, it is the same idea. By putting HTML objects you use frequently in a library, you can have ready access to them while building your page. Each library is one file. You can have as many libraries as you want.
To create a library, choose New from the File menu, then choose Library from the sub-menu. Now would be a good time to save your library. To save the library, choose Save from the File menu. A library has a window just like a normal HTML file. However, its window is divided into two halves. The top half is a list of all the objects in the library. The bottom half displays the object currently selected. You can edit the object in the lower half with all the regular tools you use on a web page.
To add an object to a library, simply drag its name from the top half of the library window to the window of the page where you want to place the object. The links to images etc. will be adjusted as needed.
Remember that libraries (for now) store only the HTML code, not the graphics or other objects that are part of the page. Make sure not to delete the images you have used in the HTML objects in your library. TOP
Created by: Marcin Jeske (