EE 510, Winter 2021

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

This is the course website for EE 510, Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning, Winter 2021 quarter.

Meeting time: Tue/Thu 6:40-8:30PM, Online via Zoom
Office hours: Wed 1:00-2:00PM, Thu 8:30-9:30PM (or by appointment), Online via Zoom

Course Description

The goal of this course is to move from familiarity to fluency with the use of linear algebra to solve problems in machine learning and signal processing. Through a combination of theory, modeling, and applications, students will gain intuition into the fundamentals of matrix methods and optimization. Topics covered include least squares, the singular value decomposition, eigenvalue decomposition, subspace methods, and optimization methods such as stochastic gradient descent, ADMM, and iteratively reweighted least squares. Applications will include principal components analysis, image compression and denoising, low rank matrix completion, kernel ridge regression, and spectral clustering.

While the course emphasizes mathematical analysis, there is a significant programming component that may be completed using either MATLAB or Python 3.

Textbook: This course does not require a textbook. Reference textbooks can be found in the Resources section below.

Communication: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this quarter’s course will be held completely online. All written questions should be posted to the appropriate channel on the Slack workspace (see Homework 0). Regular course meetings will be held via Zoom.

Course Schedule

This course will practice a flipped classroom. You are responsible for reading the listed lecture notes before class on the specified day. Please post any questions you have to the course slack channel. I will spend the first portion of class giving a mini-lecture on the most important/confusing topics, and you will work problems in groups during the rest of class.


All assignments must be submitted via gradescope to obtain credit. See Homework 0 below for information on how to set up an account.

I provide the \(\LaTeX\) file used to generate each homework below. You must use this as a template to receive extra credit.


Please read the project description and template files.
