1. The Component field is highlighted. Type a name for the component you will design and press Enter. It doesn't matter if the component exists in another project. It won't appear if you select the Component button at this point. Neither will its design replace any other designs in any other projects.

          3. The highlighter moves to the Description field. Type something that indicates the purpose of the project and press Enter. The highlighter moves to the Type field.

          5. You may not change the remaining fields.

          7. Select the Ok button to confirm, Cancel to cancel. If you select Ok, a window appears asking to confirm.

          9. Select Yes to confirm, No to cancel. If you confirm, the project becomes active and you return to the System Executive. If you cancel, a window appears informing you the component was not created. You remain in the Create Component window. Select the Cancel button to cancel and return to the System Executive.

          5.3 The Copy Command

          Copy enables you to copy a project and rename the active component.

          1. Select the Copy command from the Components menu. The Create Component window appears, as seen in Figure 5.
          2. Figure 5. Copying a component
          3. Type a new or existing Project name and a new Component name and description for the duplicate. If you type a Project name that does not exist you will be prompted to make sure that you wish to create a new one. If you choose an existing project, select the Component field and press Enter to view the list of components already assigned to the project. You cannot select a component from this list or type a duplicate component name. If you do, an error message warns you that the component already exists.

          5. Select the Ok button to accept, Cancel to cancel and return to the System Executive. If you accept, a window appears asking you to confirm.

          7. Select Yes to confirm, No to cancel and return to the System Executive. If you confirm, a window appears and tracks the copy process. When the component is copied, it becomes active and its name appears at the upper right in the top-level menu.

          5.4 The Copy from Command

          The Copy from command permits you to copy Projects and Components from the global directory to your personal directory. In this way you can modify and share components with other users without corrupting the original model. Select the global Project to be duplicated select the Component from the list provided when you press alt-m or click on Components with the left mouse button. Select OK to start the copying process or Cancel to exit without copying.

          5.5 The Copy to Command

          Using the Copy to command, you can place a Component from your local directory to the global directory. This command will instantly copy the active component to the global directory, creating that Component’s Project name in the global directory and placing it there. When the copying process is completed you will be asked if you want the component locked. Locking the component will protect it from being modified by another user while it is in the global directory. In order for someone else to alter it, the component must be copied to their local directory. In addition, they will not be able to copy it back to the global directory without changing the component's Component name. In this way the original component is preserved.

          5.6 The Delete Command

           Before you can delete a project, you must delete all the components associated with the project.

          1. Select the Delete command from the Components menu. The Select Components window appears. The Component field is blank. You can delete either components or entire projects. If you want to delete a project, you must first delete all components associated with the project.

          3. Select either the Global or Local directory to operate on.

          5. Select the Components button. A list of components appears.

          7. Select the component you want to delete and press Enter or the left mouse button. The component appears in the Component field.

          9. Select the Ok button. A window informs you that the component has been removed (see Figure 6).

            Figure 6. Window informs component is removed

            WARNING!  CADMP-II will not ask you to confirm component deletion.
            Be sure you want to delete the component before selecting the okay button.

          11. Repeat until all components are removed. To remove the project at this point, select the Components button. A message informs you there are no components in the list.

          13. Press Esc. A window asks if you want to delete the project (see Figure 7).
          Figure 7. Delete project confirm window

          Select Yes to delete, No to cancel and return to the System Executive.
          Note:  A project with no components in it will also be deleted as soon as you activate another project.  Notice also that the project name does no appear in the Project button list after all its components are deleted.