Week 6 - End-of-Term Documentation


  1. ASME Presentation Contest:
  2. MCECS is offering career workshops see this page for the schedule

  3. Machine Shop Access rules are still enforced Refer to the web page describing Machine shop access

Learning Objectives for this Class

After completing the activities in this class, students should be able to

  • Describe the major components of the final report.
  • Understand the purpose and format of the poster for the Showcase
  • Understand principles for an effective presentation ont the day of the Capstone Showcase

Capstone Showcase: Thursday, June 7

  1. Presentations during class time
  2. Short break (15 minutes)
  3. Poster and artifact displays in the Atrium

Final Report

Refer to the assignment page for specifications for the final report.

For general advice on writing reports, consult the Civil Engineering Writing Project, and the Materials for Courses and Independent Study page on that web site.

Posters for the Showcase

Refer to the assignment page for specifications for the poster.

Presentations for the Showcase

Refer to the assignment page for advice on presentations for the showcase.

Document updated 2018-04-03.

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