Project contract

Due 26 January 2018. Submit your project contract via the D2L dropbox for your group.

The project contract is a document that describes the team's understanding of the client needs, and lists the deliverables for the project in June 2018 Your project contract is a relatively short (say, 5 to 10 pages depending on the layout of your tables) that includes the following elements

  • Added 21 January 2018: Cover page with Project Name, Sponsor, Course Number, Team members, date.
  • Added 21 January 2018: Project Objective Statement
  • A list of primary and secondary client requirements, with the secondary requirements as sub-items under the primary requirements.
  • A table of importance values for the primary requirements
  • A table of performance metrics that are linked to the primary client requirements. All quantitative performance metrics should have units and a target value. Recognize that the target values are likely to change as your conceptual design evolves.
  • A requirements matrix that links the primary client requirements to the performance metrics.
  • A list of deliverables what will satisfy the project outcomes for the sponsor.

It is important that interview your sponsor to determine the client requirements. After you submit it, the project contract will be sent to your sponsor for feedback.

Added 21 January 2018:

General Comments

The report should have text narrative that explains the information in the tables. The text does not need to be exhaustive, but it should help your sponsor understand the meaning of the tables and how that information is driving your design decisions. For example, you should briefly explain the significance of the importance values for the client needs. You should also explain how the importance values for the client needs are used in the requirements matrix to compute the importance values for the performance metrics.

First published 2018-01-08.

Document updated 2018-01-21.

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