Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.bcel
org.apache.bcel.classfile This package contains the classes that describe the structure of a Java class file and a class file parser. 
org.apache.bcel.util This package contains utility classes for the Byte Code Engineering Library, namely:  
org.apache.bcel.verifier.statics Provides PassVerifier classes used internally by JustIce. 
org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals Provides a PassVerifier class mostly used internally by JustIce, yielding a control flow graph for public use as a nice side effect. 

Classes in org.apache.bcel used by org.apache.bcel.classfile
          Constants for the project, mostly defined in the JVM specification.

Classes in org.apache.bcel used by org.apache.bcel.util
          Constants for the project, mostly defined in the JVM specification.

Classes in org.apache.bcel used by org.apache.bcel.verifier.statics
          Constants for the project, mostly defined in the JVM specification.

Classes in org.apache.bcel used by org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals
          Constants for the project, mostly defined in the JVM specification.