Uses of Interface

Packages that use Constants
org.apache.bcel.classfile This package contains the classes that describe the structure of a Java class file and a class file parser. 
org.apache.bcel.util This package contains utility classes for the Byte Code Engineering Library, namely:  
org.apache.bcel.verifier.statics Provides PassVerifier classes used internally by JustIce. 
org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals Provides a PassVerifier class mostly used internally by JustIce, yielding a control flow graph for public use as a nice side effect. 

Uses of Constants in org.apache.bcel.classfile

Classes in org.apache.bcel.classfile that implement Constants
 class CodeException
          This class represents an entry in the exception table of the Code attribute and is used only there.
 class LocalVariable
          This class represents a local variable within a method.

Uses of Constants in org.apache.bcel.util

Classes in org.apache.bcel.util that implement Constants
 class Class2HTML
          Read class file(s) and convert them into HTML files.

Uses of Constants in org.apache.bcel.verifier.statics

Classes in org.apache.bcel.verifier.statics that implement Constants
 class Pass2Verifier
          This PassVerifier verifies a class file according to pass 2 as described in The Java Virtual Machine Specification, 2nd edition.

Uses of Constants in org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals

Classes in org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals that implement Constants
 class UninitializedObjectType
          This class represents an uninitialized object type; see The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition, page 147: 4.9.4 for more details.