Uses of Class

Packages that use TargetLostException
org.apache.bcel.generic This package contains the "generic" part of the Byte Code Engineering Library, i.e., classes to dynamically modify class objects and byte code instructions. 

Uses of TargetLostException in org.apache.bcel.generic

Methods in org.apache.bcel.generic that throw TargetLostException
 void InstructionList.delete(InstructionHandle ih)
          Remove instruction from this list.
 void InstructionList.delete(Instruction i)
          Remove instruction from this list.
 void InstructionList.delete(InstructionHandle from, InstructionHandle to)
          Remove instructions from instruction `from' to instruction `to' contained in this list.
 void InstructionList.delete(Instruction from, Instruction to)
          Remove instructions from instruction `from' to instruction `to' contained in this list.