Interface Summary | |
AllocationInstruction | Denote family of instructions that allocates space in the heap. |
ClassObserver | Implement this interface if you're interested in changes to a ClassGen object and register yourself with addObserver(). |
CompoundInstruction | Wrapper class for `compound' operations, virtual instructions that don't exist as byte code, but give a useful meaning. |
ConstantPushInstruction | Denotes a push instruction that produces a literal on the stack such as SIPUSH, BIPUSH, ICONST, etc. |
ExceptionThrower | Denote an instruction that may throw a run-time or a linking exception (or both) during execution. |
FieldObserver | Imnplement this interface if you're interested in changes to a FieldGen object and register yourself with addObserver(). |
IndexedInstruction | Denote entity that refers to an index, e.g. |
InstructionConstants | This interface contains shareable instruction objects. |
InstructionListObserver | Implement this interface if you're interested in changes to an InstructionList object and register yourself with addObserver(). |
InstructionTargeter | Denote that a class targets InstructionHandles within an InstructionList. |
LoadClass | Denotes that an instruction may start the process of loading and resolving the referenced class in the Virtual Machine. |
MethodObserver | Implement this interface if you're interested in changes to a MethodGen object and register yourself with addObserver(). |
NamedAndTyped | Denote entity that has both name and type. |
PopInstruction | Denotes an unparameterized instruction to pop a value on top from the stack, such as ISTORE, POP, PUTSTATIC. |
PushInstruction | Denotes an unparameterized instruction to produce a value on top of the stack, such as ILOAD, LDC, SIPUSH, DUP, ICONST, etc. |
StackConsumer | Denote an instruction that may consume a value from the stack. |
StackProducer | Denote an instruction that may produce a value on top of the stack (this excludes DUP_X1, e.g.) |
TypedInstruction | Get the type associated with an instruction, int for ILOAD, or the type of the field of a PUTFIELD instruction, e.g.. |
UnconditionalBranch | Denotes an instruction to perform an unconditional branch, i.e., GOTO, JSR. |
VariableLengthInstruction | Denotes an instruction to be a variable length instruction, such as GOTO, JSR, LOOKUPSWITCH and TABLESWITCH. |
Visitor | Interface implementing the Visitor pattern programming style. |
Class Summary | |
AALOAD | AALOAD - Load reference from array |
AASTORE | AASTORE - Store into reference array |
ACONST_NULL | ACONST_NULL - Push null reference |
ALOAD | ALOAD - Load reference from local variable |
ANEWARRAY | ANEWARRAY - Create new array of references |
ARETURN | ARETURN - Return reference from method |
ArithmeticInstruction | Super class for the family of arithmetic instructions. |
ArrayInstruction | Super class for instructions dealing with array access such as IALOAD. |
ARRAYLENGTH | ARRAYLENGTH - Get length of array |
ArrayType | Denotes array type, such as int[][] |
ASTORE | ASTORE - Store reference into local variable |
ATHROW | ATHROW - Throw exception |
BALOAD | BALOAD - Load byte or boolean from array |
BasicType | Denotes basic type such as int. |
BASTORE | BASTORE - Store into byte or boolean array |
BIPUSH | BIPUSH - Push byte on stack |
BranchHandle | BranchHandle is returned by specialized InstructionList.append() whenever a BranchInstruction is appended. |
BranchInstruction | Abstract super class for branching instructions like GOTO, IFEQ, etc.. |
CALOAD | CALOAD - Load char from array |
CASTORE | CASTORE - Store into char array |
CHECKCAST | CHECKCAST - Check whether object is of given type |
ClassGen | Template class for building up a java class. |
CodeExceptionGen | This class represents an exception handler, i.e., specifies the region where a handler is active and an instruction where the actual handling is done. |
ConstantPoolGen | This class is used to build up a constant pool. |
ConversionInstruction | Super class for the x2y family of instructions. |
CPInstruction | Abstract super class for instructions that use an index into the constant pool such as LDC, INVOKEVIRTUAL, etc. |
D2F | D2F - Convert double to float |
D2I | D2I - Convert double to int |
D2L | D2L - Convert double to long |
DADD | DADD - Add doubles |
DALOAD | DALOAD - Load double from array |
DASTORE | DASTORE - Store into double array |
DCMPG | DCMPG - Compare doubles: value1 > value2 |
DCMPL | DCMPL - Compare doubles: value1 < value2 |
DCONST | DCONST - Push 0.0 or 1.0, other values cause an exception |
DDIV | DDIV - Divide doubles |
DLOAD | DLOAD - Load double from local variable |
DMUL | DMUL - Multiply doubles |
DNEG | DNEG - Negate double |
DREM | DREM - Remainder of doubles |
DRETURN | DRETURN - Return double from method |
DSTORE | DSTORE - Store double into local variable |
DSUB | DSUB - Substract doubles |
DUP | DUP - Duplicate top operand stack word |
DUP_X1 | DUP_X1 - Duplicate top operand stack word and put two down |
DUP_X2 | DUP_X2 - Duplicate top operand stack word and put three down |
DUP2 | DUP2 - Duplicate two top operand stack words |
DUP2_X1 | DUP2_X1 - Duplicate two top operand stack words and put three down |
DUP2_X2 | DUP2_X2 - Duplicate two top operand stack words and put four down |
EmptyVisitor | Supplies empty method bodies to be overridden by subclasses. |
F2D | F2D - Convert float to double |
F2I | F2I - Convert float to int |
F2L | F2L - Convert float to long |
FADD | FADD - Add floats |
FALOAD | FALOAD - Load float from array |
FASTORE | FASTORE - Store into float array |
FCMPG | FCMPG - Compare floats: value1 > value2 |
FCMPL | FCMPL - Compare floats: value1 < value2 |
FCONST | FCONST - Push 0.0, 1.0 or 2.0, other values cause an exception |
FDIV | FDIV - Divide floats |
FieldGen | Template class for building up a field. |
FieldGenOrMethodGen | Super class for FieldGen and MethodGen objects, since they have some methods in common! |
FieldInstruction | Super class for the GET/PUTxxx family of instructions. |
FieldOrMethod | Super class for InvokeInstruction and FieldInstruction, since they have some methods in common! |
FLOAD | FLOAD - Load float from local variable |
FMUL | FMUL - Multiply floats |
FNEG | FNEG - Negate float |
FREM | FREM - Remainder of floats |
FRETURN | FRETURN - Return float from method |
FSTORE | FSTORE - Store float into local variable |
FSUB | FSUB - Substract floats |
GETFIELD | GETFIELD - Fetch field from object |
GETSTATIC | GETSTATIC - Fetch static field from class |
GOTO | GOTO - Branch always (to relative offset, not absolute address) |
GOTO_W | GOTO_W - Branch always (to relative offset, not absolute address) |
GotoInstruction | Super class for GOTO |
I2B | I2B - Convert int to byte |
I2C | I2C - Convert int to char |
I2D | I2D - Convert int to double |
I2F | I2F - Convert int to float |
I2L | I2L - Convert int to long |
I2S | I2S - Convert int to short |
IADD | IADD - Add ints |
IALOAD | IALOAD - Load int from array |
IAND | IAND - Bitwise AND int |
IASTORE | IASTORE - Store into int array |
ICONST | ICONST - Push value between -1, ..., 5, other values cause an exception |
IDIV | IDIV - Divide ints |
IF_ACMPEQ | IF_ACMPEQ - Branch if reference comparison succeeds |
IF_ACMPNE | IF_ACMPNE - Branch if reference comparison doesn't succeed |
IF_ICMPEQ | IF_ICMPEQ - Branch if int comparison succeeds |
IF_ICMPGE | IF_ICMPGE - Branch if int comparison succeeds |
IF_ICMPGT | IF_ICMPGT - Branch if int comparison succeeds |
IF_ICMPLE | IF_ICMPLE - Branch if int comparison succeeds |
IF_ICMPLT | IF_ICMPLT - Branch if int comparison succeeds |
IF_ICMPNE | IF_ICMPNE - Branch if int comparison doesn't succeed |
IFEQ | IFEQ - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
IFGE | IFGE - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
IFGT | IFGT - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
IfInstruction | Super class for the IFxxx family of instructions. |
IFLE | IFLE - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
IFLT | IFLT - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
IFNE | IFNE - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
IFNONNULL | IFNONNULL - Branch if reference is not null |
IFNULL | IFNULL - Branch if reference is not null |
IINC | IINC - Increment local variable by constant |
ILOAD | ILOAD - Load int from local variable onto stack |
IMPDEP1 | IMPDEP1 - Implementation dependent |
IMPDEP2 | IMPDEP2 - Implementation dependent |
IMUL | IMUL - Multiply ints |
INEG | INEG - Negate int |
INSTANCEOF | INSTANCEOF - Determine if object is of given type |
Instruction | Abstract super class for all Java byte codes. |
InstructionConstants.Clinit | |
InstructionFactory | Instances of this class may be used, e.g., to generate typed versions of instructions. |
InstructionHandle | Instances of this class give users a handle to the instructions contained in an InstructionList. |
InstructionList | This class is a container for a list of Instruction objects. |
InvokeInstruction | Super class for the INVOKExxx family of instructions. |
INVOKESPECIAL | INVOKESPECIAL - Invoke instance method; special handling for superclass, private and instance initialization method invocations |
INVOKESTATIC | INVOKESTATIC - Invoke a class (static) method |
INVOKEVIRTUAL | INVOKEVIRTUAL - Invoke instance method; dispatch based on class |
IOR | IOR - Bitwise OR int |
IREM | IREM - Remainder of int |
IRETURN | IRETURN - Return int from method |
ISHL | ISHL - Arithmetic shift left int |
ISHR | ISHR - Arithmetic shift right int |
ISTORE | ISTORE - Store int from stack into local variable |
ISUB | ISUB - Substract ints |
IUSHR | IUSHR - Logical shift right int |
IXOR | IXOR - Bitwise XOR int |
JSR | JSR - Jump to subroutine |
JSR_W | JSR_W - Jump to subroutine |
JsrInstruction | Super class for JSR - Jump to subroutine |
L2D | L2D - Convert long to double |
L2F | L2F - Convert long to float |
L2I | L2I - Convert long to int |
LADD | LADD - Add longs |
LALOAD | LALOAD - Load long from array |
LAND | LAND - Bitwise AND longs |
LASTORE | LASTORE - Store into long array |
LCMP | LCMP - Compare longs: |
LCONST | LCONST - Push 0 or 1, other values cause an exception |
LDC | LDC - Push item from constant pool. |
LDC_W | LDC_W - Push item from constant pool (wide index) |
LDC2_W | LDC2_W - Push long or double from constant pool |
LDIV | LDIV - Divide longs |
LineNumberGen | This class represents a line number within a method, i.e., give an instruction a line number corresponding to the source code line. |
LLOAD | LLOAD - Load long from local variable |
LMUL | LMUL - Multiply longs |
LNEG | LNEG - Negate long |
LoadInstruction | Denotes an unparameterized instruction to load a value from a local variable, e.g. |
LocalVariableGen | This class represents a local variable within a method. |
LocalVariableInstruction | Abstract super class for instructions dealing with local variables. |
LOOKUPSWITCH | LOOKUPSWITCH - Switch with unordered set of values |
LOR | LOR - Bitwise OR long |
LREM | LREM - Remainder of long |
LRETURN | LRETURN - Return long from method |
LSHL | LSHL - Arithmetic shift left long |
LSHR | LSHR - Arithmetic shift right long |
LSTORE | LSTORE - Store long into local variable |
LSUB | LSUB - Substract longs |
LUSHR | LUSHR - Logical shift right long |
LXOR | LXOR - Bitwise XOR long |
MethodGen | Template class for building up a method. |
MONITORENTER | MONITORENTER - Enter monitor for object |
MONITOREXIT | MONITOREXIT - Exit monitor for object |
MULTIANEWARRAY | MULTIANEWARRAY - Create new mutidimensional array of references |
NEW | NEW - Create new object |
NEWARRAY | NEWARRAY - Create new array of basic type (int, short, ...) |
NOP | NOP - Do nothing |
ObjectType | Denotes reference such as java.lang.String. |
POP | POP - Pop top operand stack word |
POP2 | POP2 - Pop two top operand stack words |
PUSH | Wrapper class for push operations, which are implemented either as BIPUSH, LDC or xCONST_n instructions. |
PUTFIELD | PUTFIELD - Put field in object |
PUTSTATIC | PUTSTATIC - Put static field in class |
ReferenceType | Super class for objects and arrays. |
RET | RET - Return from subroutine |
RETURN | RETURN - Return from void method |
ReturnaddressType | Returnaddress, the type JSR or JSR_W instructions push upon the stack. |
ReturnInstruction | Super class for the xRETURN family of instructions. |
SALOAD | SALOAD - Load short from array |
SASTORE | SASTORE - Store into short array |
Select | Select - Abstract super class for LOOKUPSWITCH and TABLESWITCH instructions. |
SIPUSH | SIPUSH - Push short |
StackInstruction | Super class for stack operations like DUP and POP. |
StoreInstruction | Denotes an unparameterized instruction to store a value into a local variable, e.g. |
SWAP | SWAP - Swa top operand stack word |
SWITCH | SWITCH - Branch depending on int value, generates either LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH instruction, depending on whether the match values (int[]) can be sorted with no gaps between the numbers. |
TABLESWITCH | TABLESWITCH - Switch within given range of values, i.e., low..high |
Type | Abstract super class for all possible java types, namely basic types such as int, object types like String and array types, e.g. |
Exception Summary | |
ClassGenException | Thrown on internal errors. |
TargetLostException | Thrown by InstructionList.remove() when one or multiple disposed instruction are still being referenced by a InstructionTargeter object. |
This package contains the "generic" part of the Byte Code Engineering Library, i.e., classes to dynamically modify class objects and byte code instructions.