Uses of Interface

Packages that use StackConsumer
org.apache.bcel.generic This package contains the "generic" part of the Byte Code Engineering Library, i.e., classes to dynamically modify class objects and byte code instructions. 
org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals Provides a PassVerifier class mostly used internally by JustIce, yielding a control flow graph for public use as a nice side effect. 

Uses of StackConsumer in org.apache.bcel.generic

Subinterfaces of StackConsumer in org.apache.bcel.generic
 interface PopInstruction
          Denotes an unparameterized instruction to pop a value on top from the stack, such as ISTORE, POP, PUTSTATIC.

Classes in org.apache.bcel.generic that implement StackConsumer
 class AASTORE
          AASTORE - Store into reference array
 class ARETURN
          ARETURN - Return reference from method
 class ArithmeticInstruction
          Super class for the family of arithmetic instructions.
 class ASTORE
          ASTORE - Store reference into local variable
 class BASTORE
          BASTORE - Store into byte or boolean array
 class CASTORE
          CASTORE - Store into char array
          CHECKCAST - Check whether object is of given type
 class ConversionInstruction
          Super class for the x2y family of instructions.
 class D2F
          D2F - Convert double to float
 class D2I
          D2I - Convert double to int
 class D2L
          D2L - Convert double to long
 class DADD
          DADD - Add doubles
 class DASTORE
          DASTORE - Store into double array
 class DCMPG
          DCMPG - Compare doubles: value1 > value2
 class DCMPL
          DCMPL - Compare doubles: value1 < value2
 class DDIV
          DDIV - Divide doubles
 class DMUL
          DMUL - Multiply doubles
 class DNEG
          DNEG - Negate double
 class DREM
          DREM - Remainder of doubles
 class DRETURN
          DRETURN - Return double from method
 class DSTORE
          DSTORE - Store double into local variable
 class DSUB
          DSUB - Substract doubles
 class F2D
          F2D - Convert float to double
 class F2I
          F2I - Convert float to int
 class F2L
          F2L - Convert float to long
 class FADD
          FADD - Add floats
 class FASTORE
          FASTORE - Store into float array
 class FCMPG
          FCMPG - Compare floats: value1 > value2
 class FCMPL
          FCMPL - Compare floats: value1 < value2
 class FDIV
          FDIV - Divide floats
 class FMUL
          FMUL - Multiply floats
 class FNEG
          FNEG - Negate float
 class FREM
          FREM - Remainder of floats
 class FRETURN
          FRETURN - Return float from method
 class FSTORE
          FSTORE - Store float into local variable
 class FSUB
          FSUB - Substract floats
          GETFIELD - Fetch field from object
 class I2B
          I2B - Convert int to byte
 class I2C
          I2C - Convert int to char
 class I2D
          I2D - Convert int to double
 class I2F
          I2F - Convert int to float
 class I2L
          I2L - Convert int to long
 class I2S
          I2S - Convert int to short
 class IADD
          IADD - Add ints
 class IAND
          IAND - Bitwise AND int
 class IASTORE
          IASTORE - Store into int array
 class IDIV
          IDIV - Divide ints
 class IF_ACMPEQ
          IF_ACMPEQ - Branch if reference comparison succeeds
 class IF_ACMPNE
          IF_ACMPNE - Branch if reference comparison doesn't succeed
 class IF_ICMPEQ
          IF_ICMPEQ - Branch if int comparison succeeds
 class IF_ICMPGE
          IF_ICMPGE - Branch if int comparison succeeds
 class IF_ICMPGT
          IF_ICMPGT - Branch if int comparison succeeds
 class IF_ICMPLE
          IF_ICMPLE - Branch if int comparison succeeds
 class IF_ICMPLT
          IF_ICMPLT - Branch if int comparison succeeds
 class IF_ICMPNE
          IF_ICMPNE - Branch if int comparison doesn't succeed
 class IFEQ
          IFEQ - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
 class IFGE
          IFGE - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
 class IFGT
          IFGT - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
 class IfInstruction
          Super class for the IFxxx family of instructions.
 class IFLE
          IFLE - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
 class IFLT
          IFLT - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
 class IFNE
          IFNE - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
          IFNONNULL - Branch if reference is not null
 class IFNULL
          IFNULL - Branch if reference is not null
 class IMUL
          IMUL - Multiply ints
 class INEG
          INEG - Negate int
          INSTANCEOF - Determine if object is of given type
 class InvokeInstruction
          Super class for the INVOKExxx family of instructions.
          INVOKEINTERFACE - Invoke interface method
          INVOKESPECIAL - Invoke instance method; special handling for superclass, private and instance initialization method invocations
          INVOKESTATIC - Invoke a class (static) method
          INVOKEVIRTUAL - Invoke instance method; dispatch based on class
 class IOR
          IOR - Bitwise OR int
 class IREM
          IREM - Remainder of int
 class IRETURN
          IRETURN - Return int from method
 class ISHL
          ISHL - Arithmetic shift left int
 class ISHR
          ISHR - Arithmetic shift right int
 class ISTORE
          ISTORE - Store int from stack into local variable
 class ISUB
          ISUB - Substract ints
 class IUSHR
          IUSHR - Logical shift right int
 class IXOR
          IXOR - Bitwise XOR int
 class L2D
          L2D - Convert long to double
 class L2F
          L2F - Convert long to float
 class L2I
          L2I - Convert long to int
 class LADD
          LADD - Add longs
 class LAND
          LAND - Bitwise AND longs
 class LASTORE
          LASTORE - Store into long array
 class LDIV
          LDIV - Divide longs
 class LMUL
          LMUL - Multiply longs
 class LNEG
          LNEG - Negate long
 class LOR
          LOR - Bitwise OR long
 class LREM
          LREM - Remainder of long
 class LRETURN
          LRETURN - Return long from method
 class LSHL
          LSHL - Arithmetic shift left long
 class LSHR
          LSHR - Arithmetic shift right long
 class LSTORE
          LSTORE - Store long into local variable
 class LSUB
          LSUB - Substract longs
 class LUSHR
          LUSHR - Logical shift right long
 class LXOR
          LXOR - Bitwise XOR long
          MONITORENTER - Enter monitor for object
          MONITOREXIT - Exit monitor for object
 class POP
          POP - Pop top operand stack word
 class POP2
          POP2 - Pop two top operand stack words
          PUTSTATIC - Put static field in class
 class RETURN
          RETURN - Return from void method
 class ReturnInstruction
          Super class for the xRETURN family of instructions.
 class SASTORE
          SASTORE - Store into short array
 class StoreInstruction
          Denotes an unparameterized instruction to store a value into a local variable, e.g.
 class SWAP
          SWAP - Swa top operand stack word

Methods in org.apache.bcel.generic with parameters of type StackConsumer
 void EmptyVisitor.visitStackConsumer(StackConsumer obj)
 void Visitor.visitStackConsumer(StackConsumer obj)

Uses of StackConsumer in org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals

Methods in org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals with parameters of type StackConsumer
 void InstConstraintVisitor.visitStackConsumer(StackConsumer o)
          Ensures the general preconditions of a StackConsumer instance.