Packages that use ConstantPool | |
org.apache.bcel.classfile | This package contains the classes that describe the structure of a Java class file and a class file parser. |
org.apache.bcel.generic | This package contains the "generic" part of the Byte Code Engineering Library, i.e., classes to dynamically modify class objects and byte code instructions. |
org.apache.bcel.verifier.statics | Provides PassVerifier classes used internally by JustIce. |
Uses of ConstantPool in org.apache.bcel.classfile |
Fields in org.apache.bcel.classfile declared as ConstantPool | |
protected ConstantPool |
protected ConstantPool |
Methods in org.apache.bcel.classfile that return ConstantPool | |
ConstantPool |
ConstantPool |
ConstantPool |
ConstantPool |
ConstantPool |
ConstantPool |
ConstantPool |
Methods in org.apache.bcel.classfile with parameters of type ConstantPool | |
java.lang.Object |
ConstantObject.getConstantValue(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.String |
ConstantCP.getClass(ConstantPool cp)
void |
Attribute.setConstantPool(ConstantPool constant_pool)
abstract Attribute |
Attribute.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
Attribute |
ExceptionTable.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
Attribute |
InnerClasses.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
Attribute |
Unknown.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
java.lang.String |
ConstantNameAndType.getName(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.String |
ConstantNameAndType.getSignature(ConstantPool cp)
void |
StackMapType.setConstantPool(ConstantPool constant_pool)
java.lang.String |
InnerClass.toString(ConstantPool constant_pool)
Attribute |
StackMap.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
Attribute |
Signature.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
Attribute |
Code.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
void |
FieldOrMethod.setConstantPool(ConstantPool constant_pool)
protected FieldOrMethod |
FieldOrMethod.copy_(ConstantPool constant_pool)
void |
Visitor.visitConstantPool(ConstantPool obj)
Method |
Method.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
void |
DescendingVisitor.visitConstantPool(ConstantPool cp)
Attribute |
ConstantValue.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
void |
JavaClass.setConstantPool(ConstantPool constant_pool)
void |
LocalVariable.setConstantPool(ConstantPool constant_pool)
java.lang.String |
CodeException.toString(ConstantPool cp,
boolean verbose)
java.lang.String |
CodeException.toString(ConstantPool cp)
Attribute |
LocalVariableTable.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
java.lang.Object |
ConstantString.getConstantValue(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.String |
ConstantString.getBytes(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.Object |
ConstantClass.getConstantValue(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.String |
ConstantClass.getBytes(ConstantPool cp)
static java.lang.String |
Utility.codeToString(byte[] code,
ConstantPool constant_pool,
int index,
int length,
boolean verbose)
Disassemble a byte array of JVM byte codes starting from code line `index' and return the disassembled string representation. |
static java.lang.String |
Utility.codeToString(byte[] code,
ConstantPool constant_pool,
int index,
int length)
static java.lang.String |
Utility.codeToString(ByteSequence bytes,
ConstantPool constant_pool,
boolean verbose)
Disassemble a stream of byte codes and return the string representation. |
static java.lang.String |
Utility.codeToString(ByteSequence bytes,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Field |
Field.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
Attribute |
SourceFile.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
java.lang.Object |
ConstantInteger.getConstantValue(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.Object |
ConstantDouble.getConstantValue(ConstantPool cp)
Attribute |
PMGClass.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
void |
StackMapEntry.setConstantPool(ConstantPool constant_pool)
java.lang.Object |
ConstantFloat.getConstantValue(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.Object |
ConstantLong.getConstantValue(ConstantPool cp)
Attribute |
Synthetic.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
Attribute |
LineNumberTable.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
Attribute |
Deprecated.copy(ConstantPool constant_pool)
void |
EmptyVisitor.visitConstantPool(ConstantPool obj)
Constructors in org.apache.bcel.classfile with parameters of type ConstantPool | |
ExceptionTable(int name_index,
int length,
int[] exception_index_table,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
InnerClasses(int name_index,
int length,
InnerClass[] inner_classes,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Unknown(int name_index,
int length,
byte[] bytes,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Create a non-standard attribute. |
StackMapType(byte type,
int index,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
StackMap(int name_index,
int length,
StackMapEntry[] map,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Signature(int name_index,
int length,
int signature_index,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Code(int name_index,
int length,
int max_stack,
int max_locals,
byte[] code,
CodeException[] exception_table,
Attribute[] attributes,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
FieldOrMethod(java.io.DataInputStream file,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Construct object from file stream. |
FieldOrMethod(int access_flags,
int name_index,
int signature_index,
Attribute[] attributes,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Method(int access_flags,
int name_index,
int signature_index,
Attribute[] attributes,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
ConstantValue(int name_index,
int length,
int constantvalue_index,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
JavaClass(int class_name_index,
int superclass_name_index,
java.lang.String file_name,
int major,
int minor,
int access_flags,
ConstantPool constant_pool,
int[] interfaces,
Field[] fields,
Method[] methods,
Attribute[] attributes,
byte source)
Constructor gets all contents as arguments. |
JavaClass(int class_name_index,
int superclass_name_index,
java.lang.String file_name,
int major,
int minor,
int access_flags,
ConstantPool constant_pool,
int[] interfaces,
Field[] fields,
Method[] methods,
Attribute[] attributes)
Constructor gets all contents as arguments. |
LocalVariable(int start_pc,
int length,
int name_index,
int signature_index,
int index,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
LocalVariableTable(int name_index,
int length,
LocalVariable[] local_variable_table,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Field(int access_flags,
int name_index,
int signature_index,
Attribute[] attributes,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
SourceFile(int name_index,
int length,
int sourcefile_index,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
PMGClass(int name_index,
int length,
int pmg_index,
int pmg_class_index,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
StackMapEntry(int byte_code_offset,
int number_of_locals,
StackMapType[] types_of_locals,
int number_of_stack_items,
StackMapType[] types_of_stack_items,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Synthetic(int name_index,
int length,
byte[] bytes,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
LineNumberTable(int name_index,
int length,
LineNumber[] line_number_table,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Deprecated(int name_index,
int length,
byte[] bytes,
ConstantPool constant_pool)
Uses of ConstantPool in org.apache.bcel.generic |
Methods in org.apache.bcel.generic that return ConstantPool | |
ConstantPool |
ConstantPool |
Methods in org.apache.bcel.generic with parameters of type ConstantPool | |
java.lang.String |
Instruction.toString(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.String |
CPInstruction.toString(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.String |
FieldInstruction.toString(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.String |
MULTIANEWARRAY.toString(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.String |
InvokeInstruction.toString(ConstantPool cp)
java.lang.String |
INVOKEINTERFACE.toString(ConstantPool cp)
Constructors in org.apache.bcel.generic with parameters of type ConstantPool | |
ConstantPoolGen(ConstantPool cp)
Initialize with given constant pool. |
Uses of ConstantPool in org.apache.bcel.verifier.statics |
Methods in org.apache.bcel.verifier.statics with parameters of type ConstantPool | |
void |
StringRepresentation.visitConstantPool(ConstantPool obj)