Uses of Class

Packages that use Constant
org.apache.bcel.classfile This package contains the classes that describe the structure of a Java class file and a class file parser. 
org.apache.bcel.generic This package contains the "generic" part of the Byte Code Engineering Library, i.e., classes to dynamically modify class objects and byte code instructions. 

Uses of Constant in org.apache.bcel.classfile

Subclasses of Constant in org.apache.bcel.classfile
 class ConstantClass
          This class is derived from the abstract Constant class and represents a reference to a (external) class.
 class ConstantCP
          Abstract super class for Fieldref and Methodref constants.
 class ConstantDouble
          This class is derived from the abstract Constant class and represents a reference to a Double object.
 class ConstantFieldref
          This class represents a constant pool reference to a field.
 class ConstantFloat
          This class is derived from the abstract Constant class and represents a reference to a float object.
 class ConstantInteger
          This class is derived from the abstract Constant class and represents a reference to an int object.
 class ConstantInterfaceMethodref
          This class represents a constant pool reference to an interface method.
 class ConstantLong
          This class is derived from the abstract Constant class and represents a reference to a long object.
 class ConstantMethodref
          This class represents a constant pool reference to a method.
 class ConstantNameAndType
          This class is derived from the abstract Constant class and represents a reference to the name and signature of a field or method.
 class ConstantString
          This class is derived from the abstract Constant class and represents a reference to a String object.
 class ConstantUtf8
          This class is derived from the abstract Constant class and represents a reference to a Utf8 encoded string.

Methods in org.apache.bcel.classfile that return Constant
 Constant Constant.copy()
 Constant ConstantPool.getConstant(int index)
          Get constant from constant pool.
 Constant ConstantPool.getConstant(int index, byte tag)
          Get constant from constant pool and check whether it has the expected type.
 Constant[] ConstantPool.getConstantPool()

Methods in org.apache.bcel.classfile with parameters of type Constant
 java.lang.String ConstantPool.constantToString(Constant c)
          Resolve constant to a string representation.
 void ConstantPool.setConstant(int index, Constant constant)
 void ConstantPool.setConstantPool(Constant[] constant_pool)

Constructors in org.apache.bcel.classfile with parameters of type Constant
ConstantPool(Constant[] constant_pool)

Uses of Constant in org.apache.bcel.generic

Fields in org.apache.bcel.generic declared as Constant
protected  Constant[] ConstantPoolGen.constants

Methods in org.apache.bcel.generic that return Constant
 Constant ConstantPoolGen.getConstant(int i)

Methods in org.apache.bcel.generic with parameters of type Constant
 void ConstantPoolGen.setConstant(int i, Constant c)
          Use with care!
 int ConstantPoolGen.addConstant(Constant c, ConstantPoolGen cp)
          Import constant from another ConstantPool and return new index.

Constructors in org.apache.bcel.generic with parameters of type Constant
ConstantPoolGen(Constant[] cs)
          Initialize with given array of constants.