A system of constructor classes: overloading and implicit higher-order polymorphism

A system of constructor classes: overloading and implicit higher-order polymorphism

Mark P. Jones, In FPCA '93: Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1993. (Appears, in extended form, in the Journal of Functional Programming, 5, 1, Cambridge University Press, January 1995.)


This paper describes a flexible type system which combines overloading and higher-order polymorphism in an implicitly typed language using a system of constructor classes -- a natural generalization of type classes in Haskell.

We present a wide range of examples which demonstrate the usefulness of such a system. In particular, we show how constructor classes can be used to support the use of monads in a functional language.

The underlying type system permits higher-order polymorphism but retains many of many of the attractive features that have made the use of Hindley/Milner type systems so popular. In particular, there is an effective algorithm which can be used to calculate principal types without the need for explicit type or kind annotations. A prototype implementation has been developed providing, amongst other things, the first concrete implementation of monad comprehensions known to us at the time of writing.

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