The complexity of signalized intersections, especially in busy urban settings requires that traffic engineers and designers think carefully about the interactions of all modes and users. While standard vehicular signals can control the movement of people on bicycles, in the U.S. and nearly every other application internationally, they consist of a signal with green, yellow and red bicycle symbols in the face. The objective of this research was to 1) summarize and synthesize the U.S. experience with bicycle signals using the bicycle symbol in the face, and 2) to identify any research gaps related explicitly to road user comprehension and compliance and develop research needs statements (RNS) to address these gaps. Three primary tasks were completed to accomplish these objectives. The review of the literature found no published research studies that directly addressed visibility and comprehension of the bicycle signal face or symbol or the transferability of design assumptions from motor vehicle users. The inventory cataloged design-level detail at over 500 intersections with bicycle signals. Structured interviews were conducted with key staff at 21 agencies. The results of the tasks were synthesized and three RNS were developed to address the identified gaps.
Current Inventory (updated 11.15.2020)
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