People: Alex Bogdanov, Geoff Harvey, John Hunt, Magnus Carlsson, Richard Keiburtz, Peter Haley
Nonlinear and Adaptive rotorcraft control algorithms
Nonlinear and Adaptive rotorcraft control algorithms
- Environmental Informed Control
- Model Predictive Neural Control
- State Dependent Riccati Equation Control
- Overview Chopper Talk
- The "autonomous" helicopter: from boats to rotorcrafts and lessons learned from working with DARPA
- MPNC: Trajectory following
- MPNC: Elliptic maneuver
- MPNC: Rapid take-off and landing
- MPNC: Landing on a moving platform
- MPNC: Atmospheric mocrobusrt
- MPNC: Urban Flight
- SDRE: Trajectory following
- SDRE: X-Cell60 Flight Test
- SDRE: GT-MAX Flight Test
- DARPA Final Exam - McKenna Urban Terrain Site
- A. Bogdanov, E. A. Wan, G. Harvey, "SDRE Flight Control for X-Cell and R-Max Autonomous Helicopters", in Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas, Dec, 2004, pdf.
- E. A. Wan, A.A. Bogdanov, R. Kieburtz, A. Baptista, M. Carlsson, Y. Zhang, and M. Zulauf, "Software Enabled Control: Information Technologies for Dynamical Systems", chap. Model predictive neural control for aggressive helicopter maneuvers, IEEE Press, Wiley & Sons, 2003,pdf.
- A. Bogdanov and E. Wan, "SDRE control with nonlinear feedforward compensation for a small unmanned helicopter", in Proceedings of the 2nd AIAA ''Unmanned Unlimited'' Systems, Technologies, and Operations Conference, San Diego, CA, Sep, 2003, pdf.
- A. Bogdanov, M. Carlsson, G. Harvey, J. Hunt, R. Kieburtz, R. van der Merwe, and E. Wan, "State-dependent Riccati equation control of a small unmanned helicopter", in Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, AIAA, Austin, TX, Aug, 2003, pdf.
- E. A. Wan and A. A. Bogdanov, "Model predictive neural control with applications to a 6 DoF helicopter model", in American Control Conference, ACC, Arlington, VA, Jun, 2001, pdf
- A. Bogdanov and E. A. Wan and M. Carlsson and Y. Zhang and R. Kieburtz and A. Baptista, "Model predictive neural control of a high-fidelity helicopter model", in AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, AIAA, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Aug, 2001, pdf.