CS491/591 Introduction to Computer Security Fall 2012
Course Information
Final Exam
- List of topics
- The exam will be closed-book. However, you are allowed to bring
one single-sided 8.5x11 sheet of notes (handwritten or typeset)
to refresh your memory;
you will need to hand this in with your exam.
- List of topics
- The midterm will be closed-book. However, you are allowed to bring
one 8.5x11 sheet of notes (handwritten or typeset) to refresh your memory;
you will need to hand this in with your exam.
Course Schedule
This schedule will be expanded as the course proceeds; it is highly subject to change.
- Sep. 24: Introduction; fundamental terminology
- Sep. 26: Authentication; human factors
- Oct. 1: Software security; buffer overflow attacks
- Oct. 3/8: Tools and countermeasures against software exploits
- Oct. 10: Malware; virus detection; hacking tools
- Oct. 15: Access control in theory and practice;
- NOTE: If you have trouble downloading these papers from home, try again from a .pdx.edu domain (e.g. by using the VPN). It is also easy to find unprotected copies elsewhere on the web.
- Read: Yee, et al. "Native Client: a sandbox for portable untrusted x86 native code", CACM 53(1), January 2010.
- Read: Li Gong, "Java Security architecture revisited", CACM 54(11), Nov. 2011.
- Read: Enck, et al., "Understanding Android Security", IEEE Security and Privacy, 7(1), Jan-Feg. 2009.
- Project 1 second part due
- Steve Zdancewic's slides on access control. I covered slides 2-9 and 11-27.
- Oct. 17: Java security model; Information flow and multi-level security
- Oct. 22: Basic cryptography
- Oct. 24: Shared and Public key algorithms
- Oct. 29: Midterm Exam (in class)
- Oct. 31: Guest lecture (Charles Wright, PSU)
- Nov. 5: Networks; port scanning; firewalls
- Nov. 7: Protocols for confidentiality and authentication
- Nov. 12: Veteran's Day Holiday (no class)
- Nov. 14: Protocol attacks: man-in-the-middle, replay, etc.
- Nov. 19: Digital signatures, PKI
- Nov. 21: Kerberos, SSL/TLS.
- Nov. 26: Web security; some Term paper presentations (in class)
- Nov. 28: remaining Term paper presentations (in class)
- Dec. 1: Term papers due
- Dec. 5: Final Exam (Wednesday starting at 12:30pm)
Term Papers