Frequently Asked Questions
How many images are there? There are 11,500 images total. 9,200 training images. 2,300 test images.
What are the image dimensions? The images dimensions are (128, 128, 3) in the original and downsized to 32x32x3 for running on the code provided at the link below.
How many class categories are there? There are 5 class categories.
- Boxes
- Glass Bottles
- Soda Cans
- Crushed Soda Cans
- Plastic Bottles
How can I load the data for personal use? Click the download link to get the images in a .tar.gz format. This is a compressed version of a numpy array file. To unzip, simply use 7zip to extract the .npz file to your working directory.
Where can I obtain the code? If you download the code, there is a file that explains specifically how to run each piece of code.
What site-packages do I need to run your code? pytorch, numpy, matplotlib, opencv-python.