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Tutors are available to help you. They are there to help you find the resources you need to do your work. They are not available to do your homework for you or as a substitute for the manual. They are there to provide as much direction as possible and to help you over places where you might have become stuck. It will help you (and the tutor) if you come prepared: see section Before You Go, for more information.

The student tutors can be found in the Tutor Office in the CS Lab (MSB Rm 120). During school sessions, they are available whenever the lab is open. (A full list of hours is posted by the door.) If the student tutors are unable to answer your question, they will refer you to someone who can.

They can also be contacted via telephone at 725-4023.

If you don't need an immediate answer, or if the lab is closed, you can send email to `tutors' with a detailed description of your question or problem.

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