1. Select the Load command from the File option header menu. The window in Figure 64 appears.
          Figure 64. The Load command
          1. There are two ways to load a report file.
          1. To exit and save changes, press Alt-X. A window appears asking you to confirm saving the report. If you answer Yes, a second window appears asking you to name the report (see Figure 69).
          Figure 69 Saving the edited file
          1. You can save the report under the original name or type a new name. Press Esc to exit without saving changes. Select the Close hot key to confirm. The Report Manager will not make a backup copy if you save under the original name.
 The Print Option

          You must load a report before printing it.

          1. Select the Print option header from the Report Manager screen. A window appears asking you to confirm the print command.
          2. Confirm or cancel the print. If you confirm, a message appears stating that the report is being printed. The Report Manager first checks the specified printer port to determine if the printer is ready. If it is, the Report Manager feeds the file to the printer port line by line.
 The PageView Option
          1. Select the PageView command from the File menu. The file selection window appears.
          2. Select a file. It appears in the format determined by the current print format settings (see Figure 70).
          Figure 70. The PageView command
            The PageView menu consists of Prev and Next. Prev pages the report backwards. Next pages it forward. Page numbers are displayed at the bottom of the page.

            To Zoom in on a page, move the pointer over it and press the left mouse button or Enter. A scrollable window appears (see Figure 71). To exit, press Esc or select the Close hot key.

          Figure 71. The Zoom option
          1. Select the Xit command from the Pageview top level menu to return to the Report Manager screen.
 Printer Setup

          The Report option enables you to select the printer and print format. CADMP-II uses the printer setup when creating and displaying reports.

          1. Select the Report option in the Options menu from the System Executive screen. A Printer Setup window with the fields described below appears (Figure 72).
          2. The Printer Type field lists the name of the printer used. CADMP-II provides two printer definitions: HP Laserjet II? and Dot Matrix. To select a printer, select the Select command at the right of the window. A list of printers appears (see Figure 73). Select a printer and press Return.
          Figure 73. The Printer Setup screen
            The printer definitions are held in files in the \CADMP-II\SYSTEM\PDF directory. A printer definition file contains the name of the printer and printer control sequences that make the printer use composed fonts and orient the page. Only the HP LaserJet II? supports landscape printing. You can add other printer configuration files to the \PDF\ directory if you wish.
          1. Select the Printer Port field, which lists the physical or logical port the printer device is attached to. Press the Space bar or the + or - keys to toggle between LPT1 and LPT2.
          2. Select the Compressed Mode field, which indicates the number of characters per line. Portrait orientation toggles between 80 and 124 characters per line. Landscape orientation toggles between 102 and 176 characters per line.
          3. Select the Orientation field. Pressing the Space bar toggles page size between portrait (8½ x 11) and landscape (11 x 8½). Notice that changing this field affects the Compressed Mode field. Remember that only the HP LaserJet II? printer will support landscape printing.

          4. After you modify the printer setup, select the Close button to save the configuration. To exit the printer setup without saving changes, press Esc.