Red Band Traps Capstone

Sponsored by Tristan Bailey

Project Objective

Design, build, and test a machine to automate the production of spider-mite [a]traps.


Placehold For Team Picture[b][c][d]

The project team is

  • Bader Alajmi
  • Austin Cheadle
  • Thomas Hubel
  • Daniel Ropar
  • Garrett Stauffer
  • Matthew Stone

Customer/Market Requirements

The project sponsor requires to design a functional prototype of a machine that produce traps.[e][f]

Design Challenges

The design team is focused on building a lightweight structure that decreases the time required to make the traps. [g]

When the design team started this project it was thought that a machine could turn resources into a fully made traps with just a push of a button. After much research and many designs, it was found that an assembly line with a few different machines would work best.[h][i]


The team has developed a conceptual design that nearly automats everything of the trap making process.

Document updated 25 April 2018.

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