Week 8 - Market Needs and Engineering Requirements

Activities for Lecture 8

  • Review and discussion of projects for ME 492 and ME 493
  • Defining engineering specifications for a design project.


Read Chapter 4 in the textbook by Mattson and Sorenson. Focus on two key aspects of Opportunity Development

  • Developing market requirements (previous lecture)
  • Performance Measures (this lecture)

The following sections from part 2 of the textbook describe tools for relating performance measures to market requirements

  • Quality function deployment, pp. 276-277
  • Requirements matrix, pp. 284-287

Additional reference materials

Defining Engineering Specifications

In week 8 we build upon the list of Customer (or Market) Needs to develop a list of Engineering Specifications. This work produces a mapping of customer needs to engineering specifications, which is a major outcome from the Opportunity Development phase

Document updated 2017-11-19.