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About Invention Bootcamp


Invention Bootcamp is a four-week experience designed to encourage high school students in historically underserved and underrepresented populations to go to college and to be inspired to become inventors. The camp is normally held on the Portland State or other college campuses where students are taught by college faculty and assisted by undergraduate students who provide near-peer mentoring. In Summer 2020 and Summer 2021 the camp was held remotely.

Camp participants learn the human-centered design process, technical skills (electrical circuits, programming), prototype fabrication, teamwork and public speaking. By immersing Bootcamp participants in a college setting and engaging them in invention activities we hope to show participants that they belong on a college campus, and that by succeeding in a challenging design project, that they are inventors.


Invention Bootcamp was created by Dr. Natalie Neve who is now sailing in the Pacific Ocean with her family.

In 2018, Gerry Recktenwald took over from Nathalie.


Invention Bootcamp would not be possible without the generous support of the Lemelson Foundation, who believed that “Invention has the power to improve lives.”

In 2019, we received a grant from Pacific Power Foundation. The mission of the Pacific Power Foundation “is to support the growth and vitality of our communities.”

The web site was created with Jekyll using the just-the-docs theme.