TMP36 Temperature Sensor

The TMP36 temperature sensor produces an output voltage linear to its temperature.

Table of contents

  1. Data conversion formula
  2. Wiring Schematics
  3. Sample Codes
  4. Vendor Information

Data conversion formula

The TMP36 has an internal electrical circuit that produces a voltage output that is linear with the temperature. Given the voltage output, the temperature in Celsius is

where is in volt.

Wiring Schematics

The following schematic shows how to connect a TMP36 sensor to pin #9 of a Circuit Playground.

Note that the Vout signal can be connected to any of the four analog input pins on the Circuit Playground (pin #9, #10, #6 or #12). Refer to this web page for more information on connecting sensors to a Circuit Playground.

TMP36 connected to Circuit Playground

Sample Codes

Vendor Information