Interface InstructionContext

public interface InstructionContext

An InstructionContext offers convenient access to information like control flow successors and such.

$Id:,v 2001/10/29 20:00:41 jvanzyl Exp $
Enver Haase

Method Summary
 boolean execute(Frame inFrame, java.util.ArrayList executionPredecessors, InstConstraintVisitor icv, ExecutionVisitor ev)
          This method symbolically executes the Instruction held in the InstructionContext.
 ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers()
          Returns the exception handlers that protect this instruction.
 InstructionHandle getInstruction()
          Returns the InstructionHandle this InstructionContext is wrapped around.
 Frame getOutFrame(java.util.ArrayList executionPredecessors)
          This method returns the outgoing execution frame situation; therefore it has to be calculated by execute(Frame, ArrayList) first.
 InstructionContext[] getSuccessors()
          Returns the usual control flow successors.
 int getTag()
          The getTag and setTag methods may be used for temporary flagging, such as graph colouring.
 void setTag(int tag)
          The getTag and setTag methods may be used for temporary flagging, such as graph colouring.

Method Detail


public int getTag()
The getTag and setTag methods may be used for temporary flagging, such as graph colouring. Nothing in the InstructionContext object depends on the value of the tag. JustIce does not use it.
See Also:
setTag(int tag)


public void setTag(int tag)
The getTag and setTag methods may be used for temporary flagging, such as graph colouring. Nothing in the InstructionContext object depends on the value of the tag. JustIce does not use it.
See Also:


public boolean execute(Frame inFrame,
                       java.util.ArrayList executionPredecessors,
                       InstConstraintVisitor icv,
                       ExecutionVisitor ev)
This method symbolically executes the Instruction held in the InstructionContext. It "merges in" the incoming execution frame situation (see The Java Virtual Machine Specification, 2nd edition, page 146). By so doing, the outgoing execution frame situation is calculated. This method is JustIce-specific and is usually of no sense for users of the ControlFlowGraph class. They should use getInstruction().accept(Visitor), possibly in conjunction with the ExecutionVisitor.
true - if and only if the "outgoing" frame situation changed from the one before execute()ing.
See Also:
ControlFlowGraph, ExecutionVisitor, getOutFrame(ArrayList)


public Frame getOutFrame(java.util.ArrayList executionPredecessors)
This method returns the outgoing execution frame situation; therefore it has to be calculated by execute(Frame, ArrayList) first.
See Also:
execute(Frame, ArrayList, InstConstraintVisitor, ExecutionVisitor)


public InstructionHandle getInstruction()
Returns the InstructionHandle this InstructionContext is wrapped around.
The InstructionHandle this InstructionContext is wrapped around.


public InstructionContext[] getSuccessors()
Returns the usual control flow successors.
See Also:


public ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers()
Returns the exception handlers that protect this instruction. They are special control flow successors.