Package org.apache.bcel.verifier

BCEL's verifier JustIce is there to help you dump correct Java class files created or modified with BCEL.


Interface Summary
VerifierFactoryObserver VerifierFactoryObserver instances are notified when new Verifier instances are created.

Class Summary
GraphicalVerifier A graphical user interface application demonstrating JustIce.
NativeVerifier The NativeVerifier class implements a main(String[] args) method that's roughly compatible to the one in the Verifier class, but that uses the JVM's internal verifier for its class file verification.
PassVerifier A PassVerifier actually verifies a class file; it is instantiated by a Verifier.
TransitiveHull This class has a main method implementing a demonstration program of how to use the VerifierFactoryObserver.
VerificationResult A VerificationResult is what a PassVerifier returns after verifying.
Verifier A Verifier instance is there to verify a class file according to The Java Virtual Machine Specification, 2nd Edition.
VerifierAppFrame This class implements a machine-generated frame for use with the GraphicalVerfifier.
VerifierFactory This class produces instances of the Verifier class.
VerifierFactoryListModel This class implements an adapter; it implements both a Swing ListModel and a VerifierFactoryObserver.
VerifyDialog A class for simple graphical class file verification.

Package org.apache.bcel.verifier Description

BCEL's verifier JustIce is there to help you dump correct Java class files created or modified with BCEL.

Package Specification

This is the top-level package of the JustIce verifier. To actually use it, have a look at the VerifierFactory and Verifier classes.

Related Documentation

For a simple demonstration of JustIce working, please see: