Election Design Parameters
We brain-stormed about some possible design paramters for a new election
system. Here are some of the ideas we came up with.
- Replace the electoral college
- Money plays only a small role
- No nepotism
- No TV ads
- Encourage a more than 2 party system
- encourage a no-party system
- age cut off (80?)
- Fair - every vote counts equally
- Right to vote is protected (for everyone over 18)
- Everyone who runs gets their name on the ballot
- Encouage people to vote. mandatory, pay, rewards, lottery
- Election day should be a holiday
- Encourage a diversity of candidates
Here is a reconstructionist approach to a set of design parameters
that might have led to the current system.
- Drags out the elcetion process for 2 or more years.
- Makes television ads the primaruy means of communicationg with voters.
- Gives some states in inordinate influence, and disenfranchises others.
- Makes chasing money the most important goal.
- Allows party insiders to hijack the outcome.
- Strengthens the propoenents of fringe issues.
- Sets up binary thinking.
- Marginalizes important issues.
- Is manipulated by the media to create headlines, rather than substantive debate of the issues.
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