Bridge Activity 1, Materials List

The following materials will be needed by each team. You should get together and decide who will provide each item. Your team must have these items in class on November 5th, or you will not be ready to proceed.

It might be good to have everyone bring them to class on Oct 31, as a dry run.

A picture of the required material is below the list.

  1. 3 standard manila file folders
  2. A building board made of cork or soft wood, measuring at least 45cm by 60cm.
  3. Wax paper
  4. Pins
  5. Small hammer
  6. Sharp pair of scissors
  7. Sharp hobby knife or single-edge razor blade
  8. Metal ruler or wooden ruler with a metal edge
  9. Ball-point pen
  10. Yellow wood glue
  11. Rubber cement

materials list

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