Instructor | Mentor | |
name: | Tim Sheard | Bridger Wineman |
office: | FAB 120-04 | ? |
email: | ![]() | |
location: | main lecture Cramer Hall 201 |
mentor sessions Cramer Hall 194 |
Please note that the syllabus will be adjusted during the quarter. I reserve the right to change it at any time for any reason. You will see on the Daily Record on the class homepage when a change has been made and are expected to check the class Daily Record before every class:
In popular culture, the image of the cyborg lies at the heart of this interface between man and machine. We will study how popular culture has portrayed the cyborg, and compare this with our prior study of the nature of intelligence.
We will then turn our focus to the effects the digital world has on the modern civilization. How it affects the media, the financial system, communications, transportation, the educational system, the world of art and design, the hard sciences, and our every day lives.
Once we understand the ubiquity of these effects, we will investigate can (or should) we try and influence them? What ethical limits should society try and place on them? We will identify current ethical issues such as privacy, digital rights management, and the advisability of electronic-voting. We will study the legal and societal means we may use to influence these effects.
In the winter we will study the ways in which the emerging technologies of genetic engineering, cloning, and other new scientific technologies are transforming our concepts of humanity, society, freedom, privacy and cultural identity. We will be examining the changes that are taking place in social relations, legal doctrines, and political beliefs. We will consider the dangers, opportunities and ethical ambiguities inherent in these new technologies. In the spring we will examine the relationship between human communities and technologies addressing issues such as the digital divide, technological haves and have nots, and international issues surrounding ddigital technologies.
In the Spring we will discover the beauty, trials, and tribulations of how we can prograsm a computer ourselves in a 4 week project where will learn to write simple programs in the Haskell programming language. We will also investigate how the rapid changes in technology may change the world we live in. One excellent resource we will use in this investigation is the book The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil.
Through reading fiction, viewing films and television programs, reading case studies, and doing field research we will explore the many complex faces of technology.
Drawing on writing, speaking, artwork, books, media and original projects you will have a wide range of outlets through which to experience and articulate your own questions and ideas, as well as those of others, as we examine the changing role of technology in our lives.
The class webpage maintains a "Daily Record" which catalogs every class activity. Activities include lectures, mentor-sessions, reading assigments, writing assignments, projects, etc. These are catalogued by day, both when they are assigned and when they are due. You should check the daily record before every class.
There will also be a term paper that will incorporate numeric data and the graphic visualization of data. Most likely the topic of the paper will be drawn from our study of The Singularity is Near.
We’ll also have several short (1-2 page) writing assignments, and worksheets and quizes based upon the readings.
Course grade will be based roughly on the following, however changes to assignments may change this somewhat.
Work not turned in, unacceptable work or an absence from class when the work was done receives no credit. In addition if more than five classes (main and/or mentor) are missed the quarter grade will be reduced by one full letter grade. You will be marked absent for the day if you miss more than ten minutes of class. You will receive a failing grade if you miss a total of 10 instructor lead classes or mentor sessions or a combination thereof, despite your grades on work completed.
Readiness to learn means that you will come to class with questions and insights to offer to others and be prepared to discuss the assigned reading. We will be learning from each other and your voice is important. Your participation grade will include attendance, participation in class discussions, participation in online discussions, and group work in class on smaller design problems and case studies.
All forms of academic dishonesty, cheating, and fraud, including but not limited to: (a) plagiarism, (b) the buying and selling of course assignments and research papers, (c) performing academic assignments (including tests and examinations) for other persons, (d) unauthorized disclosure and receipt of academic information and (e) falsification of research data.
Source: Office of Student Affairs at Portland State University, Code of Student Conduct and Responsibility. A copy of the full code can be found at A copy can be obtained from The Office of Student Affairs at Smith Memorial Center Room 433. The Writing Center at Portland State University has prepared PLAGARISM: A Guide for Students to assist students in understanding plagiarism and developing strategies on avoiding it. A copy of this guide is available from Writing Center located in Cramer Hall 188F. Please read it carefully. Or see or Scholarly work resulting from plagiarism or cheating will receive no credit and all expectations of student conduct code will be strictly enforced in class.
Writing for International Students or Non-Native English Speakers - Classes are available for students with language and/or cultural issues, and need major help with writing. The classes are LING 115, Writing for Non-Native Residents, from the Linguistics Department, or WR 121, College Writing for International Students, from the English Department. The linguistics course emphasizes language and cultural skills and the English course emphasizes the writing process. For additional advice in the Linguistics Department contact Ruth Chapin (725-4147) or Judy Reed (725-8793).
Other: A one-credit supplemental writing course, WR 199, Grammar Refresher, is offered by the English Department for students with more serious writing needs and can be taken concurrently with FRINQ. WR 115, Introduction to College Writing, is for students feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of college-level writing. The English Department also has a number of course offerings dealing with writing research papers and within the disciplines for more advanced writers. For additional advice in the English Department contact Hildy Miller (725-3563).