Student Changes
Suggest one or two practical changes you, as a student, can make to improve your learning
in the course.
- More lectures with a combination of assignments to do with them.
- More of the professors idea
not so much the students.
- Reflect on activities
- I could be more proactive, especially in groups and discussions, and bring up points that other
people may not have thought of.
- Doing the homework on time and putting more effort in to it.
- Participating more in class discussions
- Take more time with the literature that is being taught.
- Going over how to write essays
- Participate more in class.
- Take more action outside of class to understand the class
- I can actually pay attention in class.
- I will try to communicate more with others
- I can actually enjoy and put in more work than is required.
- Focus more, don't procrastinate, get work done as soon as possible before enjoying free time.
Professors and mentors give us advice on getting help with things, and how to get stuff
done....following this advice more closely would be helpful
- More active learning in the main session. Do a little more that applies to the class.
- Be more organized, get my work done early.
- I can actively participate in class and offer my thoughts on a topic
- Connect with Prof. Sheard more often.
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