Graphing multiple variables in Excel Assignement

Your task is to make another Excel graph, but this time with two or more variables per item graphed. If you already made a multi-variable graph for the last graphing assinment try something new this time -- like a scatter plot.

Like the last graphing assignment you will need to find data on the internet, or use your own, organize it in Excel, and create a chart using the chart wizard. After creating the graph make sure it's labeled correctly, paste it in a Word document labeled with your name and a few sentances describing the graph's meaning and relevance. The finished document is due in the main session, next Monday, March 9th.

You may want to refer back to the tour of data sources we did last week for links to tabular data on the internet.

Here are some examples of graphs using 2 or more variables:
This collumn graph uses two series (French and German) for each x-axis value.

This stacked bar chart includes 6 series

This scatter plot uses color to differentiate three groups of data with two variables.

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