Back Stories in Oryx and Crake

Anthony M.

"I’ll have another one" he said while still finishing off the first. Suddenly it didn’t seem all that long ago. Do you want to play a general game or do you want to play another grand master? The familiar extinctathon gateway addressed him as he signed on. There was no question however what was going to happen next. Crake was a new grandmaster and there was nothing that was going to keep him from playing the best. That of course was not going to happen; his stomach sunk just thinking about what happened next.

Maybe he had one too many drinks, or maybe the weight of his decisions finally coming down on him all at once. "What is this?" Crake said as the screen brought up the familiar lily pad labyrinth through servers erasing each time erasing his footprints but this wasn’t his and he didn’t run it. "Was it the game?" He had heard about traps like this. CorpSeCorps does this often, people getting caught trying to help some crazy Animal Liberation org.

Hello Grandmaster Crake. Enter passnumber now. So he did and that was when his life was changed. Adam named the animals. MaddAddam customizes them. The screen cycled through e- bulletins with issues and dates – CorpSeCorps issue from the top by the looks of the encryption. Then it went blank; MaddAddam needs fresh initiatives. Got a bright idea? Share with us. He was in a waiting room.

"Where’s my drink?" Crake shouted he was in a hurry it should be starting soon. He looked down at the cell phone "8 missed calls" said Crake After setting down his drink he dials Jimmy "Where are you?" Jimmy yelled "Don’t you know what’s going on?" "Not to worry." Said Crake "Everything’s under control." He had done what he needed to do; now to tie up loose ends.

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