Computers and Voting
Computers and Voting

In class we developed a list of steps in the election process in the US for presidential elections.

Computers play a role in many of these steps. In fact the total amount of work in all the steps could probably not be carried out in a timely manner without computers.

It is also true, that each step in the process adds another failure point. Steps can fail because of accidents, bad luck, or because of deliberate manipulation.

The point of this exercise is to analyze the role of computers in one of these steps by looking at recent press reports from the current election. I have listed below a number of links to press reports. You should peruse these articles, or find your own.

Voting machines.

Computerized voter rolls

Ballot design

Voting and photo identification

"Voter Fraud" and "Vote Suppression"

Below is just a spattering of what's available online.

  • Other interesting links about electronic voting issues.

    Peruse these links, or find you own material. Now that you have familiarized your self with some of the claims. Write a one page (double spaced, 12 point, 1 inch margins) essay about the role computer technology plays in one step in the voting process.

    You should focus on one step in the process and single issue, rather than a broad survey because of the page limitations of this assignment.

    Bring two copies of your 1-page essay to class on Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2008. Be prepared to read parts of your essay out loud.

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