Daniel Holder's Facebook Questionaire

The questions in this file come from the article:
Ethnographic Study of the Effects of Facebook.com on Interpersonal Relationships
Daniel Holder

The complete article can be found at: http://home.uchicago.edu/~holder/fethno.pdf

Name _______________________________________

In this assignment, read the article. Pay attention to the definitions he uses, and then print out and answer the questions below. Bring the sheet with your answers to class.

  1. How many immediate (family) and distant friends do you have?

  2. How many Facebook.com friends do you have?

  3. How often do you check your Facebook.com account per day? How often do you update it?

  4. How do you make new friends on Facebook.com? Are they people you met in person first? Is there a portion of people you invited based on their Facebook.com profile alone?

  5. How many events over the past year have you attended in part because of their placement on Facebook.com via messages from groups you’ve joined or advertisements? More generally, what role do group events play when organized on Facebook.com?

  6. How often do you leave friends a message on their phone or write them for their birthday?

  7. Are you more likely to add someone you’ve never met to your friends list if you see they are part of your social network (i.e. you share one of more friends with them) or would you invite them regardless?

  8. How has Facebook.com more generally affected your interpersonal relations (i.e. high school friends)?

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