3 part, Spring Term Paper

The spring term paper has three parts. Each with a separate due date.

  1. 5 minute presentation, Due Wednesday May 13. Powerpoint to Tim, 11:00 am, NO EXCEPTIONS
  2. First Draft, Due Wednesday, May 20.
  3. Final Paper, Due Friday (5:00 PM) May 29.

The theme of the term paper is "Understanding Data and Technology". You need to choose your paper topic almost immediately, as the first part of the assignment is due on May 13. The purpose of the paper is to put into practice your skills on the design of tables and graphs, and to write convincingly about quantitative issues.

Paper topics may be drawn from the things we have studied in class, including "The Singularity is Near", our study of Equal Oppoprtunity in the Workplace, our study of the data from the Prior Learning Survey, our study of Census data, etc. The goals of the term paper is for each student to demonstrate their mastery of the following skills.

Five Minute Presentation

You will prepare and deliver a 5 minute presentation starting on Wednesday, May 13.

Powerpoint must be in my mailbox by 11:00 am, Wednesday, May 13, or you will get a zero for the assignment.

The presentation is a sort of proposal about what you want to write about. It should discuss the topic and the methods you will use in the paper. It need not be a complete argument.

The 5 minute presentation is designed to give each student the opportunity to prepare and deliver a short oral presentation. The purpose of the presentaion is three fold: (1) to give each student the opportunity to practice their speaking skills, (2) to help motivate the each student to identifiy and organize the topics around which they will write their term paper, (3) to get feedback from the professor and class about their ideas.

Grading Rubric. When grading the presentation I will look for the following information in your presentation.

I will also look for the following attributes of the presentation.

Some guidlines for Presentation preparation. Sign up for a presentation slot in Mentor Session on Wednesday May 6.

First Draft

You are to hand in a first draft in class on Wednesday, May 20.

You will bring 3 hard copies to class that day. One for Professor Sheard, and two to use in a peer review exercise in mentor session. Failure to bring 3 hard copies to class at 12:30 will get a zero on this part of the assignment.

Although it is not required for you to hand in the following, you might want to create the intermediate documents as you prepare the rough draft.

Writing Center: I strongly recommend making at least one appointment with the writing center NOW. It is best to meet with them when you have a clearly defined topic and at least some preliminary writing. If you wait until the end of spring term you will not get an appointment. It would be appropriate to have three or more appointments if writing is a challenge for you. Even someone who already writes well can benefit from an expert opinion.

Library: Don’t be shy about asking for help in the library. Also see the Research Survival Guide. .

Consultation Sessions. I will hand out a sign up sheet, and you may make a 15 minute appointment to discuss your rough draft on Tuesday (May 26), or Wednesday (May 27) with Professor Sheard. A consulation session is not required, but I offer it as an opportunity.

Final Draft

Construct and turn in a complete 5-6 page research-paper Due in my office by 5:00PM, Friday, May 29, 2009. Unless you have made previous arrangements only a hard copy, delivered to my office or mailbox in the Fourth Ave Building will be accepted.

Your paper should a have an introductory paragraph that clearly states your thesis. The rest of the paper should elaborate your thesis statement, it should include at least 3 tables or graphs that display qwuantitative data, as well as citations, quotes, and paragraphs that support your thesis, it should also anticipate arguments against your thesis. Your paper MUST contain graphic representation of the data you use to argue your point. It must include a bibliography. It should be written in MLA style.

I will use a grading rubric similar to the following

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