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@everyfooting Author: henry // Editor: henry // Texinfo Debugging: ensley@| @| 3 December 1994

Basic Idea:what is the site-list-builder?

When doing an archie search, first we should do a human-computer interface, put in the commands. The queuer will then decide your queue position, and let you in at appropriate time. When the searcher is doing the search for you, what it actually does is going to the data base which contains a whole bunch of ftp site list and does the specific search which you specified. If it finds a match, it will then give you the ftp sites list so that you can find what you want at those sites. The site-list-builder is a database which contains the anonymous ftp sites. It can also perform "addnewsite", "delsite", etc.

How it Works

It is very important to understand how the site list and the site list builder work. The site list contains all the ftp sites that the "master archie server" knows. The site list builder is used to add new ftp sites to the site list. When the server gets some message (say, e-mail interface) which asks the server to add a new ftp site to the site list. What the site list builder does is first to find where the new ftp site is in the email message. In the email message you will find some commands like "addnewsite new-ftp-site". After finding the new ftp site, the second thing you want to do is to get the primary ip address and primary domain name for the site. Then you need to do is to check whether the ip address is already in the ftp site list. If the list already has the ftp site, it will just ignore the e-mail interface's request or give some kind of error message. If it doesn't have the ip address in its site list, it will anonymously ftp to that site and obtain an "ls -lR" and check the "ls -lR" for errors which would make it incompatible with the archie system. If it is a valid one, then the site list builder will add the new ftp site to its ftp site list.

Data Structures and Algorithm Overview

To implement the site-list-builder, I have decided to use an array to store the site list information as the data structure. It is ideally feasible. For the whole algorithm, it will have something like the following:

	getword(word);   /* get word from the email interface */
	if (word="addnewsite")
           getword (new-site);
           go to site-list;
	   strcmp (new-site, site-list);  
                /* check if the new-site is already there */   
        	if (already-there is true)
              output ("it's already there");  /* email back an error message */
	       add (new-site, site-list); /* add new-site to site-list */ 
        if (word="delsite")
             getword (old-site);  
             go to site-list;
             strcmp (old-site, site-list);  
            /* check if the old-site is there      */ 
            if (already-there=true)    
               delete (old-site, site-list); /* delete old-site from */
                                             /* the site-list */
               output ("the site doesn't exist");   
            getword (word);

Implementation Details

By the former sections, hopefully readers have already got the idea how the ftp site list and the site list builder do to fulfill the task they are supposed to do. In the following, I will divide it into a few major parts to discuss how to implement the site-builder.

1. Email Interface. In this part, what the site-builder should do is to get the email message, tell if it contains any commands, like "addnewsite" or "delsite" and decide what it should do. Readers should be able to figure out the detailed procedures from the algorithm section.

2. Anonymous ftp Site Builder. In this part, we actually build the site list alphabetically(the domain name), in other words, it's a sorted list, makes it easier to find the ftp site quickly. If it gets an "addnewsite", the site builder needs to make an anonymous ftp connection to obtain an "ls -lR" to see whether it's compatible to our archie search system. The detailed anonymous ftp connection can be found in the user manual. Then if everything is OK, we just go ahead to add the new-site to the site list into an appropriate position.

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