Friday, December 5, 2003 9:30 am 5 pm
Cheatham Hall World Forestry Center Portland, Oregon
free to all registration required
9:30 am
THOMAS BALL, Microsoft Corporation
Solidifying Software Interfaces: Checkable Contracts |
10:15 am
MICHAEL LOWRY, NASA Ames Research Center
Mars and Beyond: NASA's Software Challenges in the 21st Century
11:00 am
Break |
11:15 am
GERARD BERRY, Esterel Technologies
Formal Design and Verification Techniques for High-Confidence Embedded Systems
12:00 pm
JOHN HARRISON, Intel Corporation
Intel's Successes with Formal Methods
12:45 pm
Lunch Break forums scheduled |
1:45 pm
PAUL HUDAK, Yale University
Little Languages for Big Applications
2:30 pm
SIMON PEYTON JONES, Microsoft Research, Ltd.
Spreadsheets: Functional Programming for the Masses
3:15 pm
Break |
3:30 pm
Keynote Speaker : JOHN HENNESSY, Stanford University
Research Universities: Their role and future challenges
4:15 pm
Panel Discussions |
5:00 pm
symposium ends |