
PSU CS 410/510 Games Final Project
Due before class Thursday August 10
Not accepted after this date

As you know, the Final Project for this course will be done in teams of 1-3 people. Each team will implement an Awari player, following my version of the Mind Sports Olympiad rules.

The due date for this project is very strict, as an online tournament will be held during class August 10 to evaluate the programs: every team will be expected to participate. This suggests that a good strategy would be to get something up and working a week in advance of this date, and then concentrate on enhancements for the remaining time.

For the online tournament, I will ask that all programs be executable in the UNIX environment: I will reserve workstations in the PCAT lab for the tournament. (If you absolutely *must* run under Windows or somesuch, I might be persuaded to make special arrangements: talk to me about this.) The programs may be written in any reasonable language, and I will provide glue code and specifications shortly for a tournament referee to which programs will connect via the Internet to play: I will also put the referee itself online.

The required standard of quality for grading purposes is that you implement depth-limited alpha-beta minimax search (with a transposition table and iterative deepening) plus at least one other interesting feature in your player. Note that

Keep in mind that you will not be graded based on your standing in the tournament: the winner is not guaranteed an A, nor the loser likely to be denied one. As always, your code should be readable, well-engineered, modular, and maintainable.

Everything is currently in a big tourney directory, and is ``somewhat'' debugged. The tournament rules are available online. The formerly newer version of the tourney directory with time controls is now just a symlink to the current version.

Project teams are:
Team Who Language Ideas
1 Selbak
2 Brown ? TBD
3 Scheffer C++ greedy search
4 Kudva Java TBD
5 Sargent C/C++ endgame database
6 Post
C move ordering
7 Gligorov
8 Mitchell C/C++ parallel search
9 Huegli C/C++ TBD
10 Yang C TBD

This page will be kept up-to-date as the projects proceed.

Last Modified: 2000/08/09
Bart Massey, <>