The PSU CS 410/510: Combinatorial Games Computer Awari Tournament will be held Thursday 2000/08/10 starting at 6:30 PM in PCAT 160. Each team will be given a SPARCstation to run their code on: the code will connect to a central server on
The games will follow the rules as given in class. Each side will have 7.5 minutes to make its moves in order to complete a game. Failure to complete the game will result in a loss for the side whose flag falls.
Tournament scoring will be 1 for a win, -1 for a loss, 0 for a draw. Stone scores may or may not be used to break ties. Tentatively, the tournament will be played in 6 rounds. The first 3 rounds will be random pairings. The lowest teams after this portion of the tournament will be eliminated, leaving a field of not more than 8 teams. These will be placed into a power-protect single-elimination finals.
The conduct of the tournament will be up to the total discretion of the tournament director (TD), who may choose to change scores, adjudicate matches, or otherwise alter procedures in the interest of general fairness. There will be no appeal of rulings by the TD.
Last Modified: 2000/08/09 Bart Massey, <>