
User Account Creation Conventions

1. Existing user accounts that were on our node ("babylon") remain as 
is, for now.  Exceptions:  gelu removed from system and group "other";
blajmi and trent changed from group "other" to group "cs410"; trent 
removed from group "uucp".

2. User home directories will be in "/usr2".

3. CS410 System Management class members will be set up in group 
cs410, group ID 150.

4. Group Members will be set up as standard users in group cs410.
   Group Members will also be set up in group sysad, group ID 50.
   Group Members will also be set up in group root, group ID 0.

5. Default startup files for standard users are in /usr/local/skel.
   (Note: currently consists of .profile file only)

6. Standard user login name, password and user ID will be set up to what is 
currently in passwd file on rigel (accessible using ypcat command) when 
account is initially set up. If user does not have an account on rigel, 
they will be asked to supply a copy of the line in the passwd file on 
the system they use for their account. If user does not or cannot supply 
a copy of the line from passwd file, a new user name and password will 
be created for them.  Also, a user ID will be created.  User ID numbers
will start at 100 and the user will get the next one in sequence..

7. Standard Users will be given /bin/sh as default login shell.

Note:  Before editing passwd or group files make copies of each as passwd.old
         and group.old.
Note:  Document all system work in /logs/sysad.log file and also in notebook
         kept by the opcon.

My password line on my machine is:

cdavis:2cLCmyxhvdpSw:12183:50:cecelia davis:/usr2/cdavis:/bin/sh

The password lines of the accounts I created are:

huynhl:dV/UjRg81qNSo:10369:150:Linh Buu Huynh:/usr2/huynhl:/bin/sh
jamin:XJ1B0KVPWC.II:11849:150:chris m roth:/usr2/jamin:/bin/sh
jubaeer:DPRugXgily.g2:1199:150:syed j mahmud:/usr2/jubaeer:/bin/sh
julia:nCFfYoKKowZnk:12096:150:Majid Awad:/usr2/julia:/bin/sh
kgb:9wUsKJxgyZKdo:1309:150:keith g billings:/usr2/kgb:/bin/sh
lix:Li01MkS2qoJEw:10558:150:xiaoyin li:/usr2/lix:/bin/sh
luul:2VJ/xi4znIsC6:12098:150:lan luu:/usr2/luul:/bin/sh

Output of ls -agl for ONE of the home directories I created:

#ls -agl
total 4
drwxr-xr-x   2 cs410       512 Jun 30 19:42 .
drwxr-xr-x  36 root       1024 Jul  1 17:17 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 cs410       264 Jun 30 19:42 .profile