
fun concat xs =
  let val xsRef = ref xs
      val ansRef = ref []
  in while (not (null (!xsRef))) do
       ( ansRef := !ansRef @  (hd (!xsRef))
       ; xsRef := tl (!xsRef)

fun divides x y = y mod x = 0;

fun factors n =
  let val count = ref (n-1)
      val ans = ref []
  in while (!count > 1) do
        ( if divides (!count) n
             then ans := !count :: !ans
             else ()
        ; count := !count - 1

fun allTrue xs =
  let val xsRef = ref xs
      val ansRef = ref true
  in while (not (null (!xsRef))) do
       ( ansRef := ((!ansRef) andalso (hd (!xsRef)))
       ; xsRef := tl (!xsRef)

(* ******************************************************* *)

val filter = List.filter;

fun sort' [] ans = ans
  | sort' [x] ans = x :: ans
  | sort' (x::xs) ans =
     let val small = filter (fn y => y <= x) xs
         val big = filter (fn y => y > x) xs
     in sort' small (x::(sort' big ans)) end;

fun nub [] = []
  | nub [x] = [x]
  | nub (x::y::xs) = if x=y then nub (x::xs) else x::(nub (y::xs));

fun norm x = nub (sort' x []);

fun equal x y = (norm x) = (norm y);

(* ********************************************** *)

datatype RE
  = Empty
  | Union of RE * RE
  | Concat of RE * RE
  | Star of RE
  | C of char;

datatype Label = Epsilon | Char of char;
type Start = int;
type Finish = int;
datatype Edge = Edge of Start * Label * Finish;

val re1 = Concat(Union(C #"+",Union(C #"-",Empty))
                ,Concat(C #"D",Star (C #"D")));

val re2 = Concat(Union(C #"+",Union(C #"-",Empty))
                ,Concat(C #"D",(C #"A")));

val (n1 as (s1,f1,es1)) =
   [Edge (9,Epsilon,10),Edge (8,Epsilon,0),Edge (8,Epsilon,6),
    Edge (1,Epsilon,9),Edge (7,Epsilon,9),Edge (0,Char #"+",1),
    Edge (6,Epsilon,2),Edge (6,Epsilon,4),Edge (3,Epsilon,7),
    Edge (5,Epsilon,7),Edge (2,Char #"-",3),Edge (4,Epsilon,5),
    Edge (11,Epsilon,14),Edge (10,Char #"D",11),Edge (14,Epsilon,12),
    Edge (13,Epsilon,15),Edge (14,Epsilon,15),Edge (15,Epsilon,14),
    Edge (12,Char #"D",13)]);
