Review of Heaps and Array embedded trees

In this document we review the important ideas behind

  1. Embedding binary trees in arrays
  2. The definition and use of Heap data structures for finding the minimum (maximum) element of a set.

Array embedded binary trees

Binary trees can be efficiently stored in arrays by using an encoding that stores tree elements at particular indexes in the array. One can compute the indexes of that tree nodes left-child, right-child, and parent node using a simple formula.

We can envision this process by the following picture.

?Trees as arrays with implicit links

Several invariants must hold for this to work.

The formulae for computing the tree child and parent relationships are:


Array Based Trace

A trace of adding a sequence of elements to an empty Max-heap. Note how the tree is always either a full or complete tree. Note how the last variable always points to the index of the last node of the tree.

empty heap

add 3

 0   1   2   3   4   5   6    index
[3,-99,-99,-99,-99,-99,-99]   values  last = 0

add 6

 0 1   2   3   4   5   6    index
[6,3,-99,-99,-99,-99,-99]   values  last = 1
add 9
 3   6

 0 1 2   3   4   5   6    index
[9,3,6,-99,-99,-99,-99]   values  last = 2

add 7
 +-7   6

 0 1 2 3   4   5   6    index
[9,7,6,3,-99,-99,-99]   values  last = 3

delete largest element
 3   6

 0 1 2 3   4   5   6    index
[7,3,6,9,-99,-99,-99]   values  last = 2

add 8
 +-7   6

 0 1 2 3   4   5   6    index
[8,7,6,3,-99,-99,-99]   values  last = 3

add 2
 +-7-+   6
 3   2

 0 1 2 3 4   5   6    index
[8,7,6,3,2,-99,-99]   values  last = 4

add 56
 +-7-+    +-8
 3   2    6

  0 1 2 3 4 5   6    index
[56,7,8,3,2,6,-99]   values  last = 5

delete largest element
 +-7-+   6
 3   2

 0 1 2 3 4  5   6    index
[8,7,6,3,2,56,-99]   values  last = 4

Leftist-invariant Tree Based Trace

A trace of adding a sequence of elements to an empty Min-heap. Note how the tree always maintains the leftist invariant.

add 5


add 8


add 3


add 9

 +-5   9

add 4

 +-5   +-4
 8     9

add 2

 +-5   +-4
 8     9

add 3

   +-3---+   3
 +-5   +-4
 8     9

delete min element

 +-5     +-3
 8     +-4

delete min element

 +-4   +-5
 9     8

delete min element

 9   +-5

add 1

 9   +-5

add 4

 +-4---+   4
 9   +-5

delete min element

 9     +-4
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