Summary of important points in Hw1
- HW 1 is about learning to read and modify new languages.
- Editing, Compiling and Executing Python and Haskell.
- Language e1 is an expression language.
- The meaning of a program is a simple value. Here it is an integer.
- There are no variables or any other kind of state.
- There are no side effects.
- There are no control structures.
- The language is compositional. The meaning of a program is
computed solely from the meaning of its parts. There is no context
that can change the meaning of the program.
- The idea that a anguage can compile to an intermediate abstract machine. I.e.
in this example the stack machine.
- A processor has a number of stages.
- Parsing from a file to an intermediate data structure.
- Building an input to the abstract machine.
- Executing the abstract machine on this input
- Communicating the result to the real world.