Reading Exercise #7
Due 8:00 AM, Monday Feb 29, 2016
for Chapter 9 (pp 449-499) of the Scott Text.
Content of reading exercise #7
- What makes a language Object Oriented?
- How do Object Oriented Languages promote code reuse?
- How is OOP different from using modules?
- How does the OOP paradigm encourage abstraction?
- What is the difference between private, public, and protected class members in C++ ?
- Explain class inheritance and how it is a beneficial feature of a language.
- How does a C++ (or Java or C#) compiler tell which constructor to use for a
given object? How does the answer differ for Eiffel and Smalltalk?
- What is the difference between the value and reference models of class variables? Why might we prefer one over the other?
- Explain dynamic method binding and why it is so important to OOP.
- What is the difference between overriding and overloading?
- What might a vtable look like for an instance of class Stack, with public methods: empty, pop, push?