The Columbia Slough

prepared for the City of Portland,

Bureau of Environmental Services


Scott A. Wells

Professor of Civil Engineering

Portland State University

Portland, Oregon 97207-0751

Technical Report EWR-2-97

March 1997

Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1. The Lower Columbia Slough. 5Figure 2. The Upper Columbia Slough. 5Figure 3. Percentage of average flows into the Upper Slough for the summer of 1992 (May-October). 7Figure 4. Percentage of orthophosphorus (PO4-P) loading into the Upper Slough for the summer of 1992 (May-October) (The term loading refers to the rate of mass of phosphorus that is being discharged to the Slough.) 8Figure 5. Average distribution of inflows to the Lower Columbia Slough during the summer of 1992 (May-October). 8Figure 6. Percentage of orthophoshorus (PO4-P) loading to the Lower Columbia Slough during the summer of 1992 (May-October). 9Figure 7. Estimated organic loading into the Upper Slough during the winter for a situation where the mid-dike levee was closed and all inflows from Fairview Lake were discharged into the Columbia River at MCDD4 for winter of 1995. 10Figure 8. Estimated organic loading into the Lower Slough during the winter of 1995. 10Figure 9. Winter dissolved oxygen concentrations and percent saturation, minimum air temperatures, rainfall, and water temperatures during the "flood of '96" in the Lower Slough at N. Denver bridge. 11Figure 10. Flow augmentation alternative through Peninsula Canal or through Upper Slough at MCDD4. 14Figure 11. Domain for the Slough system model. 19Figure 12. Water levels predicted by the model compared to field data. 20Figure 13. Flow rates predicted by the model compared to field data. 21Figure 14. Model predictions compared to field data at NE 47th on the Southern arm during 1993. 22Figure 15. Winter 1995 model predictions compared to field data at St. John's Landfill bridge. 23Figure 16. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow augmentation. 25Figure 17. Management strategy for Upper Slough: bank shading. 25Figure 18. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow out only at MCDD4. 26Figure 19. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow management. 26Figure 20. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow augmentation with gravity connections to Columbia River through Peninsula canal . 27Figure 21. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow augmentation with gravity connections to Columbia River through Peninsula canal and MCDD4. 27Figure 22. Management strategy for Lower Slough: opening Peninsula Canal. 28Figure 23. Management strategy for Lower Slough: flow augmentation Smith/Bybee Lakes. 28Figure 24. Management strategy for Lower Slough: no CSOs. 29Figure 25. Summer average chlorophyll a in the Columbia Slough between 1992 and 1995. 32Figure 26. Summer average PO4-P in the Upper Slough in 1995. 33Figure 27. Average pH during summer periods at MCDD1 in the Upper Slough from 1992 through 1995. 33

List of Tables

Table 1. Water quality problems in the Columbia Slough. 6Table 2. Water quality variables simulated in the Slough model. 17Table 3. Representative model scenarios simulated with Columbia Slough model. 24


This report was written in an attempt to provide the public and Bureau of Environmental Services Staff with a summary of work accomplished on the Columbia Slough system by Portland State University and other consultants working on the Slough over the last 6 years. An attempt was made to create an easy-to-read report with important overviews of the "big picture", glossary of definitions, index, and further details to assist in technology transfer.


The Columbia Slough Watershed Manager, Mary Abrams, and the MCDD1 director, Tim Hayford, were instrumental in providing support and information for this report. Chris Berger, graduate student at PSU, has also been instrumental in providing modeling of the Slough system over the last few years. There are many individuals who have contributed to our understanding of the Slough system over the years and they include (not in order of importance): David LaLiberte, Montgomery Watson, Inc.(formerly PSU research assistant); Lianne Scull and Steve Hawkins (formerly Columbia Slough Watershed Managers); Mike Eberle, Robert Annear, Michael Staats, and Greg Savage, all graduate students at PSU; David Collins, CH2MHill (former PSU student); Joanna Karl, Jim Morgan, and Dennis O'Neal at METRO; Lori Faha, Unified Sewerage Agency (formerly COP/BES Columbia Slough manager); staff at CH2MHill: David Crawford, Dawn Sanders, Shelley Wei (former PSU graduate student), Mark Laswell; staff at HDR Engineering: such as Bruce Willey; staff at Brown and Caldwell: such as Claudia Zorchak; Tom Davis, Montgomery Watson (formerly COP/BES); Paul Fishman; Ogden Beeman Associates staff; and other COP/BES staff: Susan Barthell, Dwane Leanards, Amy Chomowitz, Nancy Hendrickson, Linda Schaeffler, Lester Lee, Holly Juza; and State of Oregon DEQ staff: Bob Baumgartner, Sonja Biorn-Hansen, Neil Mullane, Steve Snurbush, Marilyn Fonseca; MCDD1 staff: David Hendricks and others; Woodward-Clyde staff: Eric Strecker, Mike Fowler; Parametrix staff including Dave Morten; PSU faculty and staff involved in the sediment study: Dr. ShuGuang Li, BinHong Wu, Min Chen, and Dr. Y. Shen; Roger Sutherland, formerly at OTAK; Stan Geiger, of SRI-Shapiro; and Molly Aldolfson of Adolfson and Associates. This list is by no means all-inclusive, but they represent some of the individuals who have been involved in the Slough over the years and have contributed to our understanding of this unique system.

1. The Columbia Slough

The Upper and Lower Columbia Slough are each long (about 9 miles) and narrow (from 50 ft to 200 ft wide) water bodies in the Portland metropolitan area in Multnomah County. The Lower Columbia Slough, as shown in Figure 1, is connected to the Willamette River where it experiences a tidal fluctuation of its water surface of between 1 to 3 ft. Inflows to the Lower Columbia Slough include combined-sewer-overflows (CSOs), storm water (from storm water pipes and from pump stations on the Northern side of the Lower Slough called Penn-1 and Penn-2 pump stations), water from Smith and Bybee Lakes, leachate from the St. John's Landfill, and inflows (both pumped and gravity inflows) from the Upper Columbia Slough at MCDD1.

The Upper Columbia Slough, shown in Figure 2, was historically maintained to provide irrigation water to agricultural and commercial users in the summer months. The Upper Slough is connected by pipes and an overflow weir during the Fall, Winter, and Spring to Fairview Lake. During the summer, Fairview Lake is connected to the Upper Slough only by flow over and leakage through the weir. Water is also pumped from the Upper Slough to the Lower Columbia Slough at a pump station at MCDD1 (Multnomah County Drainage District #1) and from the Upper Slough to the Columbia River at MCDD4 (Multnomah County Drainage District #4). At MCDD1, pipes also allow gravity flow from the Upper Slough to the Lower Slough. Other inflows to the Upper Columbia Slough include groundwater and storm water from the Portland International Airport and other industrial, commercial, and residential neighborhoods in the area.

Figure 1. The Lower Columbia Slough.

Figure 2. The Upper Columbia Slough.

2. Water Quality Problems in the Columbia Slough


ater quality problems in the Slough affect how fish and aquatic life and we use the resource. Table 1 shows a list of water quality problems in the Columbia Slough along with potential sources of pollution.
Table 1. Water quality problems in the Columbia Slough.

Water quality problem Potential sources of problemDescription of impact - why is this of concern ?
pHpH levels above 8.5excessive algal growth due to high nutrient levels of N and P; these nutrients could be coming from groundwater in the Upper Slough, St. John's LandfillSt. John's Landfill leachate, CSOCSOs, and stormwater inflows High pHpH levels create a poor environment for fish and aquatic life; a summer problem
dissolved oxygendissolved oxygen levels below 4 mg/l high organic loading from PDX International Airport's winter deicing activities, CSOCSOs, storm water, sediment oxygen demand, and groundwater all fish and aerobic organisms require oxygen to live in the water environment, water deprived of oxygen will cause aerobic organisms to die or relocate, a summer and winter problem
algaealgae levels above 15 g/l chlorophyll a excessive algal nutrients, N and P from groundwater and St. John's LandfillSt. John's Landfill leachate, CSOCSOs, and stormwater inflows high algaealgae levels create high pHpH levels (see above) and create nuisance, aesthetic concerns by forming algal mats on the surface of the water, reducing water clarity (water looks muddy) and contributing to sediment oxygen demand by the settling of dead algal cells to the bottom muds, a summer problem
coliform bacteriabacteria levels above 200 colonies/100 ml CSOCSOs and storm water inflows, as well as illicit sewer discharges coliform bacteriabacteria themselves are harmless and exist in our intestines, but they indicate that there is some fecal contamination in the water - either from human or animal waste, a summer and winter problem
high water temperaturetemperatures lack of shading and impounding water, lack of natural water level fluctuation to support cold water fish such as Salmon, temperaturetemperatures of 14oC (52.7oF) are an optimal upper limit, this is only a summer issue
toxic metals and organics in sediments, water column, and fish tissue unregulated and illegal discharges into the Slough, storm water and CSOCSO discharges, landfill leachate Toxic compounds can be consumed by fish and other aquatic life that bioaccumulate the toxins in their tissue. This becomes a health hazard when humans consume the contaminated tissue and a health hazard to aquatic organisms.

3. The Big Picture - Sources of Water Quality Problems

Where does the water come form in the Upper and Lower Columbia Slough ? The source of the water quality problems in the Slough can be traced to inflows to the system or historical activity in the area, such as building dikes and installing culverts.

Excessive Algae Growth

For example, what causes the high algae growth in the Slough in the summer months ? Excessive nutrients for algae growth - such as nitrogen (ammonia, NH3-N, nitrate, NO3-N) and phosphorus compounds (orthophosphate, PO4-P), sunlight, and detention time in the system (the time a parcel of water stays in the Upper or Lower Slough before exiting into another water body) allowing enough time for algal growth. What is the source of the nutrients ? In the Upper Slough, the only significant source of water inflow during the summer is groundwater (this usually averages between 50 and 80 cfs). The groundwater comes from E. Multnomah County and contains high concentrations of nitrate (about 6 mg/l) and orthophosphorus (about 0.1 mg/l). Phosphorus limits algae growth since nitrogen is in such. Figure 3 shows the inflows (the relative volume of water over the summer period) from different sources during the summer of 1992 for the Upper Slough. (The Boeing source is water from a groundwater pump-and-treat system that discharges to the Upper Columbia Slough. There was no inflow from Fairview Lake in 1992 except leakage through a weir.) To show the source of orthophosphorus which causes excessive algae growth, Figure 4 shows which sources are the primary contributors for orthophoshorus. These figures show clearly that groundwater is the primary source of phosphorus during the summer months.

Figure 3. Percentage of average flows into the Upper Slough for the summer of 1992 (May-October).

Figure 4. Percentage of orthophosphorus (PO4-P) loading into the Upper Slough for the summer of 1992 (May-October) (The term loading refers to the rate of mass of phosphorus that is being discharged to the Slough.)

What about in the Lower Slough ? Figures 5 and 6 show the distribution of inflows and orthophosphorus mass loading to the Lower Slough during the summer of 1992. These show that the Upper Slough contributes most of the flow into the Lower Slough in the summer. Hence, inflows from the Upper Slough are the primary source of phosphorus for the Lower Slough in the summer.

Figure 5. Average distribution of inflows to the Lower Columbia Slough during the summer of 1992 (May-October).

Figure 6. Percentage of orthophoshorus (PO4-P) loading to the Lower Columbia Slough during the summer of 1992 (May-October).

Low Dissolved Oxygen

Low dissolved oxygen concentrations have been recorded in the summer near MCDD4. This was a result of stagnant water conditions when the mid-dike levee was closed and little or no pumping was made at MCDD4 into the Columbia River. The decaying algae in the water caused low dissolved oxygen conditions. The dead algae settle into the sediment and decay. The bacteria and zooplankton consume algae and oxygen, thus depleting the water if oxygen for fish and other aquatic life.

In the winter, low and zero dissolved oxygen has been recorded in the Slough system after warm rains following very cold conditions. The low dissolved oxygen is caused by bacterial breakdown of biodegradable organic material or of ammonia compounds. Sources of these compounds are storm water, CSOs, sediment accumulation from summer algae decomposition, urea (a deicier applied to the airport and to roads and bridges during freezing conditions, this compound readily breaks down to ammonia), and deicing chemicals from the Portland International Airport applied to airplanes to prevent ice formation on wings. These deicing compounds are called ethylene and propylene glycols and have an organic strength (when not diluted with water) over 10,000 times that of CSOs and storm water.

All storm water runoff from the PDX International Airport either infiltrates into the groundwater or runs off into the Upper Columbia Slough. During periods of CSO and storm water inflows when there were no antecedent cold weather conditions (when the airport would not usually be deicing aircraft), dissolved oxygen conditions in the winter were not below DEQ minimum standards of 4 mg/l. But following cold weather conditions (when aircraft and runway deicing were being used) and a warm rain (washing the deicing material into the Upper Slough), dissolved oxygen concentrations in the Slough often dipped below 4 mg/l. In an estimate of the loading of BOD (a measure of the biodegradable organics in the water), Figure 7 and 8 show the estimated loadings from storm water, the airport, and CSOs for the Upper and Lower Slough, respectively. [These estimates were made

Figure 7. Estimated organic loading into the Upper Slough during the winter for a situation where the mid-dike levee was closed and all inflows from Fairview Lake were discharged into the Columbia River at MCDD4 for winter of 1995.

Figure 8. Estimated organic loading into the Lower Slough during the winter of 1995.

by using a model of the system to reproduce water quality data in the Slough and not from measurements.]

In these figures, the Upper Slough predominant source of biodegradable organics is the PDX Airport during periods following deicing of aircraft. In the Lower Slough, the primary source is the Upper Slough discharge.

Figure 9 shows measurements of dissolved oxygen in the Lower Slough and meteorological data before and during a low dissolved oxygen event during 1996. The discharge of high BOD waste, such as deicing materials, is acerbated by increases in the stage of the Willamette River because the Lower Columbia Slough stagnates (see Wells, et al., 1996).

Figure 9. Winter dissolved oxygen concentrations and percent saturation, minimum air temperatures, rainfall, and water temperatures during the "flood of '96" in the Lower Slough at N. Denver bridge.


During summer and winter rain events, the Portland sewage treatment plant cannot take all the water from sanitary and storm water and some spills untreated into the Columbia Slough as a combined sewer overflow (CSO). The bacteria loading from CSOs is the primary source of pathogenic bacteria in the Lower Slough in the summer and winter. In the Upper Slough, storm water and unknown sources contribute to coliform levels above the standard of 200 colonies/100 ml sample, but these violations are usually small compared to the CSOs which contribute bacteria concentrations usually greater than 100,000 colonies per 100 ml sample.


Temperatures above the optimum range for Salmon are caused by pooling of water in the Upper Slough and removal of shade trees along the banks of the Slough system. The optimum upper temperature for cold water fish such as Salmon is about 14oC (52.7oF), with an upper lethal temperature of 26oC (78.8oF). In the Upper Slough and Lower Slough, temperatures above 25oC (77oF) are common. Other fish species, such as warm water fish like crappie, bass, enjoy the warmer waters. For example, the impoundment of Smith and Bybee Lake in 1982 had led to increases in water temperatures such that warm water fish now reside in those lakes.

Toxic Compounds

Toxic compounds have been found in some sediment locations in the Lower and Upper Slough, as well as in fish tissue. These compounds can impact human health when

Currently, a separate study by the City of Portland is underway to determine how significant a problem toxics are and what level of caution the public should exercise. The source of these toxics is industrial discharges and storm water.

4. Approaches to Solving Water Quality Problems

Solving water quality problems involves (i) cutting off the source of the problem and (ii) managing the system to minimize the impact of the problem if source control is not possible. Sometimes a combination of the two approaches is the most cost-effective.

In 1989 an environmental study of methods to improve water quality in the Slough for the City of Portland recommended flow augmentation of Columbia River water into the Lower Slough at the end of the Peninsula Drainage Canal or at MCDD4 in the Upper Slough. Figure 10 shows how this alternative would work. The goal was to reduce the impact of CSOs by diluting the CSO inflow with Columbia River water and to reduce algae concentrations by reducing the detention time of algae in the Lower Slough. If the inflows were to be directed through the Upper Slough they could also, it was thought, reduce algae growth in both the Upper and Lower Slough. The estimated capital costs were thought to be between $6,000,000 and $8,500,000, depending on whether the location was through the Peninsula canal or through the Upper Slough at MCDD4. This first study though did not anticipate the higher costs associated with this proposal because of fish passage, flood control, and pipe size problems. Later studies showed that the algae growth problem would not be solved with flow augmentation as it was proposed and that bacteria standards for CSOs could not be met. Hence, the City decided on another approach for CSO control - construction of wet-weather storage facilities to contain most events rather than discharging directly into the Slough. This construction project will be completed by the year 2001.

Reducing the groundwater inflow to the Upper Slough was not a feasible solution either. The most practical solution appeared to be lowering water levels in the Upper Slough by pumping out the groundwater - in essence, flow augmentation with groundwater. The idea behind this suggestion was to reduce the residence time of water in the Upper Slough to cut down the possible time for algae growth. This strategy has been tried over the last few summers with some encouraging results (see Section 7).

Figure 10. Flow augmentation alternative through Peninsula Canal or through Upper Slough at MCDD4MCDD4.

5. A Management Tool - A Computer Model

In order to reduce the trial and error approach to managing the complex Columbia Slough system, a mathematical model of the Columbia Slough system was developed at PSU to help the City, METRO, and other local and State agencies interested in the Slough to evaluate potential management strategies. This model is a computer code that predicts flow in and out of the Slough and water quality changes occurring within the Slough. The model allows water quality managers and interested citizens to estimate the impact of a particular management strategy on the Slough and ask hypothetical questions, such as:

The benefit of such a model is to eliminate alternatives that would not solve the Slough's water quality problems and to focus on those that will have a strong benefit to the system.

What, though, is a water quality model ? What can a water quality model do and not do ?

6. Water Quality Modeling of the Slough System - What Do Models Tell Us Are the Best and Worst Methods of Improving Water Quality

In order to explore methods to improve water quality in the Columbia Slough system, several studies have been sponsored by the City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services. These studies were undertaken to assess the current state of water quality in the system and to develop a computer model of the Slough system. The steps in development of a computer model are

What is the model ?

The "model" is a set of computer instructions written in a computer language (FORTRAN) describing the physics, biology, and chemistry of the Lower and Upper Slough. This model predicts the water quality and hydraulic parameters shown in Table 2 as a function of time, vertical and longitudinal location.

Table 2. Water quality variables simulated in the Slough model.

Water quality or hydraulic variable simulated in the Upper and Lower Slough model Importance of variable in assessing water quality conditions
water surface elevationaffects direction of water movement
water velocitywater movement or water velocity tells us where the water moves and how fast
temperaturetemperatureimportant for fish survival and affects all biological and chemical processes, affected by meteorological conditions (including shading)
algaealgae concentrationthe model predicts algaealgae biomass concentrations, telling us where the algae growth problems are and at what concentration nuisance conditions are encountered
bacteriabacteriacoliform bacteriabacteria are modeled in the Slough, these are indicators of pathogenic organisms
pHpHif pHpH is below 6.5 or above 8.5 fish and aquatic life could be impaired
dissolved organic matter (soluble)a measure of the amount of biodegradable organics in the water; as bacteriabacteria consume this organic matter, oxygen is consumed; this is comparable to BOD (biochemical oxygen demand, which is a measure of the amount of oxygen required to biodegrade an organic waste)
refractory organic matter (soluble)same as dissolved organic matter except that the rate of decay of these organics is very slow
sediment organic matterdetermines the rate of oxygen consumption by particulate matter settled to the bottom of the Slough - typically dead algaealgae and particulate organics coming into the Slough
detritus (particulate organic matter)Particulate organic matter that decays as bacteriabacteria consume detritus as food, an oxygen sink
total inorganic carbonthis is all the non-biological (inorganic) carbon in the system, these components are affected by algaealgae growth and gas transfer across the air water interface, these components affect pHpH
alkalinitya measure of the water's ability to neutralize acids, affects pHpH
dissolved oxygendissolved oxygenamount of oxygen in the water; important for fish and aquatic life
soluble phosphateamount of dissolved phosphorus in the water; an algaealgae nutrient
nitrateamount of dissolved nitrate in the water; an algaealgae nutrient
ammoniaamount of dissolved ammonia in the water; an algaealgae nutrient and a chemical that consumes oxygen
zooplanktonan organism that consumes algaealgae and detritus, fed on by fish, consumes oxygen and reduces algae
conservative traceramount of a conservative, or non-biodegradable, material in the water

Limitations of the model - What it can predict and what it cannot predict

The ability of the model to predict water movement and quality is dependent on the quality of input data available for the model. When the water quality model does not predict water quality conditions well, that means the following could be true:

Generally, the model can predict the parameters in Table 2 throughout the Slough system when good input data to the Slough are known. These model input data include

The model then is only as good as the input data given to it. In some cases other models have to be used to estimate some of the boundary condition data. For example, the storm water and CSO flows into the Upper and Lower Slough have been modeled for flow and quality. Why ? Because we would have to continuously sample almost 50 locations in the Upper and Lower Slough to obtain the data required for the model. These sampling locations would be the outlet pipes as the discharge enters the system. Hence, the approach used was to take measurements at a few locations so that the storm water and CSO models could be calibrated. This means that the storm water and CSO models well represented the measurements. Then those models were used as inflows to the Slough system model at other locations and times.

A weakness in the present model is that Willamette River water quality is measured only every other week in the summer. The Willamette River inflows into the Columbia Slough and causes changes in water quality of the Lower Slough. To reproduce water quality data in the Lower Slough better, continuous water quality data would be required.

The model has been calibrated to both low water and high water hydraulic conditions. But the model is not suited to simulate the flood of 1996 unless further information of the channel shape above 14 ft MSL were known (14 ft MSL is the current "top" of the model). The 1996 flood had water levels above 25 ft MSL.

The model currently includes the domain from Lombard Street bridge in the Lower Slough to the western side of Fairview Lake in the Upper Slough. This is shown in Figure 11. The model includes all "sections" of the Lower (such as North Slough, Smith and Bybee Lakes) and Upper Slough (Whitaker Slough, Buffalo Slough, etc.), including the Peninsula Drainage Canal.

Figure 11. Domain for the Slough system model.

How well does the model predict the hydraulics of the Slough ?

In general, in the Lower Slough the model has predicted water surface elevations and flow rates within 10% of the daily variation.

The water surface in the Upper Slough during a pump test well illustrated the model's ability to predict the "water hammer" effect when the pumping rate at MCDD1 was changed. Note Figure 12 which shows water surface elevations at MCDD1 in the Upper Slough during the summer of 1993. On Julian day 278 the pumps at MCDD1 were turned off and the water level rose. Then on Julian day 281, the pumps were started and the water level dropped. There were small increases in water level as MCDD1 pumping rates were reduced. The model correctly mimicked the physics of the "water hammer".

Figure 12. Water levels predicted by the model compared to field data.

Water surface elevations are well reproduced in the Upper Slough also when enough data are available to know the inflow rates. Figure 13 shows predicted flow rates at NE 47th in the Southern arm of the Upper Columbia Slough compared to field data taken at the same location.

Figure 13. Flow rates predicted by the model compared to field data.

How well does the model predict water quality changes ?

The model predictions in the summer and winter have generally been good. Figure 14 shows a comparison of model predictions and measurements in the Upper Slough at NE 47th on the Southern arm for dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature for 1993. Figure 15 shows model predictions of dissolved oxygen, temperature, and pH during a winter flood event in 1995 at St. John's Landfill bridge in the Lower Slough. The model typically predicts temperature within 1oC, dissolved oxygen within 1-2 mg/l, and pH within less than a pH unit.

When boundary conditions data were not available, the model predictions were not good. For example, coliform bacteria were at concentrations close to 500 to 600 colonies per 100 ml at one station in the Upper Slough near NE 138th. The model though predicted no coliform bacteria because no source of bacteria was known for the model input. Hence, the model can only predict in-stream water quality well if the boundary conditions are known.Figure 14. Model predictions compared to field data at NE 47th on the Southern arm during 1993.

Figure 15. Winter 1995 model predictions compared to field data at St. John's Landfill bridge.

Management Strategies Evaluated with the Upper and Lower Slough model

As the model calibration is improved, management scenarios are simulated with the model. Over the last 5 years, dozens and dozens of management scenarios were evaluated with the Slough models. A representative list of some of these model scenarios is shown in Table 3. Figures 16 through 24 show graphically some of these management scenarios.
Table 3. Representative model scenarios simulated with Columbia Slough model.

Management Strategy Why Was This Strategy Considered ?
Flow augmentation from Columbia RiverColumbia River flow augmentationflow augmentation is a method to increase the flow rate of water in the Slough to dilute bacteriabacteria and to reduce the detention time of water to reduce algaealgae growth, the Columbia RiverColumbia River water was chosen since it was considered relatively "clean"
Tree shading in Upper Slough Reduce the penetration of sunlight to the Slough, thereby reducing water temperaturetemperatures
Flow augmentation in Upper Slough from groundwater reduce detention time of water in the Slough to reduce the growth of algaealgae, also to lower the temperaturetemperature of Upper Slough water
CSOCSO removaleliminate pathogenic bacteriabacteria from untreated sewage
Changes in culvert sizes in Upper Slough in conjunction with low-flow test allow isolated channels in the Upper Slough to become more hydraulically connected to the Upper Slough, this would allow flow augmentationflow augmentation with groundwater to be more successful since the residence time of water in the Slough could then be reduced
Efficiency of wetland treatment in Upper Slough decrease nutrients and algaealgae biomass in Slough
Storm water treatment decrease nutrients entering the Slough
Reduce airport discharge of deicing chemicals in the winter decrease BOD load from deicing chemicals which lower dissolved oxygendissolved oxygen
Removal of barge from North Slough increase tidal flushing into North Slough
Opening up Smith and Bybee Lakes to North Slough increase tidal flushing in North Slough and allow Smith and Bybee Lakes to experience full tidal flushing
Opening up Peninsula Drainage Canal to Columbia RiverColumbia River and Columbia Slough allow discharges from CSOCSOs and from the Upper Slough to short-circuit to the Columbia RiverColumbia River, enhance flow in East end of Lower Columbia Slough

Figure 16. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow augmentation.

Figure 17. Management strategy for Upper Slough: bank shading.

Figure 18. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow out only at MCDD4.

Figure 19. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow management.

Figure 20. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow augmentation with gravity connections to Columbia River through Peninsula canal .

Figure 21. Management strategy for Upper Slough: flow augmentation with gravity connections to Columbia River through Peninsula canal and MCDD4.

Figure 22. Management strategy for Lower Slough: opening Peninsula Canal.

Figure 23. Management strategy for Lower Slough: flow augmentation Smith/Bybee Lakes.

Figure 24. Management strategy for Lower Slough: no CSOs.

What have been the conclusions of these earlier studies ?

The following general conclusions were made (specific details, such as information as to how great an improvement or how small the improvement was, are itemized in technical reports shown in the References section):

7. Have Our Management Strategies for the Slough Been Working ?

In 1993 the City of Portland in cooperation with MCDD1 and PSU began a flow augmentation strategy using groundwater. The idea was to reduce the detention time in the Upper Slough so that algae would not have time to grow. In addition, a larger culvert was added at Prison Pond at 112th to reduce water levels further. The lower the water levels in the system, the shorter the detention time in the Slough. During this period, the mid-dike levee was closed to provide irrigation water to those on the East side of the mid-dike.

Figure 25 shows a comparison of chlorophyll a concentrations in the Upper and Lower Slough between 1992 and 1995. Algae concentrations decreased starting in 1993 and were less than 15 g/l in 1995. Figure 26 also shows the dissolved phosphorus in the Upper Slough for 1995. This figure shows that the Northern arm of the Upper Slough was below 0.02 mg/l as P.

What is responsible for this reduction in algae growth ? The lower water levels in the Upper Slough reduced suspended algae concentrations by reducing the detention time of the water in the Upper Slough. This has caused a gradual build up of rooted aquatic plants, macrophytes in the Upper Slough since light now was able to penetrate to the bottom of the channel. The macrophytes take nutrients generally from the sediment. But other plants use the macrophytes as a substrate or a base on which they live. These other plants are probably taking up nutrients from the water column. This increase in macrophyte growth has then lead to a significant reduction in dissolved orthophoshorus, resulting in a significant lowering of chlorophyll a levels in 1995.
Figure 25. Summer average chlorophyll a in the Columbia Slough between 1992 and 1995.

Figure 26. Summer average PO4-P in the Upper Slough in 1995.

To illustrate the changes in average pH (pH provides an indication of algal growth in the Slough for comparable weather and nutrient conditions) over the years, Figure 26 shows the decrease in pH by about 1 pH unit (a factor of 10 decrease) from 1992 to 1995.

Figure 27. Average pHpH during summer periods at MCDD1MCDD1 in the Upper Slough from 1992 through 1995.

8. Future Approaches to Managing Water Quality in The Slough

The Slough system model is being refined further by improving the following algorithms and input data:

In addition to these improvements noted above, PSU is simulating some new scenarios for water quality and aquatic health improvement in the Columbia Slough system. These scenarios are focused on long-term management of the Slough system when the need for irrigation water from the Upper Slough diminishes. These additional modeling scenarios (some of which are illustrated in Figures 15-23) include the following items:

These scenarios are intended to evaluate the effects of re-opening up the Slough system to the Columbia River. Historically, the Upper Slough was kept separate to provide water for irrigation in the summer and for flood control. With the diminishing use of the irrigation water, these simulations will assess the utility of allowing the Upper Slough to respond to tidal fluctuations in the Columbia River (either through the Peninsula Drainage Canal or Lower Slough). Gated pipes were thought to be necessary for these simulations to continue the flood protection value of the systems.

The re-connection of these systems to the Columbia River should have both water quality and habitat restoration value for the Columbia Slough. The computer simulations will help water managers to assess which alternatives are the most valuable and how those alternatives can be designed and implemented.

9. References

The following reports provide information on which this report was based:

Bard, H. (1994) "Relationship of Deicing Fluids to Low Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Upper Columbia Slough, Portland, Oregon," Research report for City of Portland and Port of Portland, Portland, Oregon.

Brown and Caldwell (1989) "Columbia Slough Planning Study - Water Quality Management Alternative Evaluation," submitted to City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental ServicesBureau of Environmental Services, Portland, Oregon.

Bureau of Environmental ServicesBureau of Environmental Services (1989) "Columbia Slough Planning Study Background Report," City of Portland, Portland, Oregon.

CH2MHill (1995) "TMDL Study of the Columbia Slough," submitted to the City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental ServicesBureau of Environmental Services, Portland,. Oregon.

Cole, T. and Buchak, E. (1994) "CE-QUAL-W2 User's Manual," Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiments Station, Vicksburg, Ms.

Collins, D. and Wells, S. A. (1992) "St. John's Landfill and Columbia Slough System Water Quality Database," Technical Report EWR-02 Department of Civil Engineering, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.

Corps of Engineers (1986) "CE-QUAL-W2: A Numerical Two-Dimensional, Laterally Averaged Model of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality: User's Manual," Environmental and Hydraulics Laboratory, Waterways Experiments Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.

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Tchobanoglous, G. and Schroeder, E. (1987) Water Quality: Characteristics, Modeling, Modification, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Ma.

Thomann, R. and Mueller, J. (1987) Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control, Harper and Row, New York.

Wells, S. A. (1992a) "Assessment of Management Alternatives for Water Quality Improvement in the Columbia Slough System," Volumes 1 and 2, Technical Report EWR-01-92, Department of Civil Engineering, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.

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10. Glossary of Terms

Algae: small plant that is transported by the water and that settles.

CSOs: combined sewer overflows; these are combined storm and sanitary sewers built decades ago; hence rainwater and raw sewage are combined and treated at the Columbia Blvd. treatment plant by the City, but during periods of high-rain, often only as little as a 0.1 inch in an hour, the treatment plant becomes overloaded and combined sewers discharge into the Columbia Slough. The largest is located at NE 13th St.

Macrophyte: rooted aquatic plant

MCDD1: Multnomah County Drainage District 1; a drainage district with headquarters at the wets end of the Upper Slough. Staff currently manage the Upper Slough, the culverts connecting Fairview Lake to the Upper Slough, and some of the Peninsula Pump Station Districts along the Lower Slough.

MCDD4: Multnomah County Drainage District pump station 4 located at Marine Drive near the Columbia River. This pump station sends water from the Upper Slough to the Columbia River.

Storm water discharges: rainwater from the streets, parking lots, roof drains, etc. are collected and routed to the Columbia Slough through pipes.

Zooplankton: small animal which eats algae, bacteria, and other solid organic matter.

11. Index

Aalgae · 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 24, 30, 31Bbacteria · 6, 9, 12, 13, 17, 21, 24, 30Bureau of Environmental Services · 0, 3, 16, 36CColumbia River · 2, 4, 9, 10, 13, 24, 27, 30, 34, 35, 38CSO · 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 24, 29, 30, 36, 38CSOs · 4Ddissolved oxygen · 2, 6, 9, 11, 17, 21, 24, 30FFairview Lake · 4flow augmentation · 2, 13, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31Mmacrophyte · 34MCDD1 · 2, 3, 4, 15, 18, 19, 31, 33, 34, 38MCDD4 · 2, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 26, 27, 30, 34, 38METRO · 3, 15PPeninsula canal · 13pH · 2, 6, 17, 21, 33Portland International Airport · 4, 9, 30SSmith and Bybee Lake · 34Smith and Bybee Lakes · 4St. John's Landfill · 4, 6, 18, 21storm water · 4Ttemperature · 2, 6, 11, 12, 17, 18, 21, 24, 30WWillamette River · 4, 18