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Re-executing commands

The UNIX C shell provides a mechanism that allows you to recall previous commands and re-execute them. To see what commands UNIX has saved during your login, use the history command.

UNIX responds with a display similar to the following:

1  mail
2  finger
3  cd assign1
4  ls -F
5  more try1.c
6  grep bitsearch try1.c
7  cd
8  ls *.h
9  cp myheader.h assign1
10 pwd
11 cd assign1
12 vi try1.c
13 cc -o try1 try1.c
14 lint try1.c

Knowing which commands you've entered, you can re-execute any of them using one of several methods. You can re-execute the most recent command, you can re-execute a command by specifying its number or a fragment of its name, or you can add to a command and then re-execute it.

There are also more sophisticated methods for re-executing pieces of previous commands. They are described in section The C shell and in the csh man page. In general, program development time can be decreased simply by re-executing compile and edit commands.

To re-execute the last command you entered, type !!. The following example shows this command and how UNIX responds:

rigel% !!
lint try1.c
output from lint

To re-execute a command by specifying its number, type !number where number is the command number. For example (look at the history example above)

rigel% !8
ls *.h

To re-execute a command by specifying its name or a fragment of its name, type !name where name is the name or name fragment. For instance:

rigel% !more
more try1.c

To add to a command and then re-execute it, use one of the preceding methods but don't type a carriage return, and then, on the same command line, type what you want to add to the command. The following example shows the lint command being re-executed with "| less" added to it:

rigel% !lint | less
lint try1.c | less

For even faster program development, combine history with job control. See section Controlling Jobs, for more info.

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