                      Call for Papers


                       International Workshop
                on Discrete Systems Design, DSD'2001

            June 27÷29, 2001; Przytok near Zielona Gora, POLAND


Scope of the Conference
The International Workshop on Discrete Systems Design addresses both
architectures and implementations of (embedded) digital systems as well
as efficient design methods and tools. It is a discussion forum of the
state-of-the-art research, development and applications for the research
community working on computer system architecture, microprocessor
architectures and design, logic design, hardware description languages
(HDLs), application specific integrated circuits (ASICs),
systems-on-a-chip (SOC), hardware-software codesign, and design automation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  . Logic Controllers Design;
  . Programmable Logic;
  . Hardware Description Languages;
  . Petri Net-based Digital Design.

Submission of Papers
Prospective authors are encouraged to e-mail PostScript version of their
full paper to the program chairman. If electronic submission is not
possible, two copies of the full paper should be sent by post. The paper
should not exceed 6 pages and include an abstract of up to 150 words. The
title page should clearly show the name, mailing address, the e-mail address
and the fax number of the author to contact as well as the topic areas of
the submitted paper

The official conference language will be English.

Important Dates
Deadline for submission: 18.02.2001
Notification: 28.02.2001
Deadline for final version: 30.04.2001

Conference venue
Przytok is a picturesque village near Zielona Góra. There is an excellent
tourist and rest base. It consists of a monumental Renaissance palace,
Special School Center and International Youth Hostel.
Zielona Góra has 120.000 inhabitants and is located 450 km west of Warsaw
and 200 km east of Berlin. Two universities are located there: Technical
University and Pedagogical University.
The weather in Zielona Góra in June usually varies between 15 to 25 °C,
occasional rains.

Program Committee
Marian Adamski (Poland) Chairman
Wolfgang Fengler (Germany) Co-Chairman
Alain Amroun (France)
Zbigniew Banaszak (Poland)
Martin Bolton (UK)
Janusz Biernat (Poland)
Carlos Couto (Portugal)
Erik Dagless (UK)
Antonio Ferrari (Portugal)
Wolfgang A. Halang (Germany)
Edward Hrynkiewicz (Poland)
Stanley Hyduke (USA)
Monika Heiner (Germany)
Tadeusz Luba (Poland)
Peter Neumann (Germany)
Joao L. Monteiro (Portugal)
Marek Perkowski (USA)
Alberto Proenca (Portugal)
Henry Selvaraj (USA)
Jerzy Soldek (Poland)
Marek Wegrzyn (Poland)
Heinrich T. Vierhaus (Germany)
Arkadzi Zakreuski (Belarus)

Organizing Committee
Marek Wegrzyn Chair
Andrei Karatkevich Secretary
Janusz Jablonski
Leszek Jasinski
Malgorzata Kolopienczyk
Joanna Kulinska

Correspondence Address
Technical University
Computer Engineering & Electronics Institute
ul. Podgorna 50
65-246 Zielona Góra

Tel.:(+48 68) 3282 484; Fax:(+48 68) 3244 733
E-mail:  dsd2001@iie.pz.zgora.pl
WWW:  www.iie.pz.zgora.pl/dsd2001