LCM calculator
ECE 510 VHDL project #2
Submitted by Mani Sudha Yalamanchi (
Date: 05/07/2001
1. Description
The objective of this project is to design a unit that calculates the LCM
of two numbers. The design should show a clear differentiation between
datapath and control. It should also be synthesizable.
The LCM calculator is a sequential circuit. It takes 5 inputs,
a clock (clk), a reset (reset), first number (a), second number (b) and
an enable (en) signal that starts computation.
It has 3 outputs, the computed lcm number (lcm), a signal that is asserted
when the computation is completed (done) and overflow signal that is asserted
when the computed lcm can not be represented by the unit's vector width
2. Code
Radix2 divider (div.vhd)
LCM calculator (lcm.vhd)
3. Algorithm
The algorithm consists of the following steps.
1. Pick the larger of the two numbers.
2. Then generate multiples of this number by using an Adder.
3. Every multiple is then divided by the smaller number to see if the
remainder is zero.
4. If the remainder is zero, then the adder output is the LCM, assert
5. If the remainder is not zero, try again by generating a new multiple
(i.e. by adding the number to the accumulated adder output).
6. If the LCM is not computed and the adder output overflows, assert
DONE and signal an OVERFLOW exception.
4. Logic Design
The block diagram for the LCM unit is given here.
4.1 Datapath
The datapath consists of an adder, a divider, registers and muxes.
The adder is used to generate multiples. The divider is used to check
if the smaller number divides the multiples with a remainder of zero.
A register is used at the output of the adder to generate the next multiple.
Multiplexers are used to select the larger of the two input numbers to
build the multiples and to select the smaller of the two numbers to use
as the divisor for the DIVIDE unit.
The DIVIDE unit is code using Radix 2 restoring division algorithm described
in Appendix 1 of the textbook "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach"
by Hennessy and Patterson. The DIVIDE unit takes 'n' cycles where
n is the width of the binary numbers, to calculate the remainder and quotient.
4.2 Control logic
The control unit consists of the logic that synchronizes the "Muliple generating
adder" and the DIVIDE unit. It also generate the ouput signals that
are asserted when the computation is done.
5. Compilation
The logic is compiled and simulated using Modelsim. The following
commands were used.
$>vlib work
$>vcom -93 -explicit div.vhd
$>vcom -93 -explicit lcm.vhd
6. Simulation
The simulation was done using Modelsim and by applying patterns to
the input signals and observer the output waveforms.
A sample modelsim '.do' file used to test the DIVIDER unit is given
A sample modelsim.'.do' file used to test the LCM unit is given here.
7. Synthesis
I have had tool problems and lack experience with Synthesis tools.
The code was written without using an behavioral contructs. It is
clearly divided into datapath and control. I do use some operators but
I think synthesis tools support operators. I dont expect any problems with
synthesis. I will try it out later.
8. References
1.Computer Architecture. A Quantitative Approach, John Hennessy and David
Patterson, Morgan Kaufman Publishers,